Healthy and Fit Into Old Age: Regular Exercise

Successful aging depends significantly on daily physical activity. Not only is muscle and bone mass maintained through regular physical activity, but the risk of chronic diseases is also reduced. These include cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, colorectal cancer, osteoporosis, back problems and obesity.

In addition, exercise promotes therapy and rehabilitation for many diseases. It is generally accepted that regular physical activity is the most cost-effective preventive measure.

Work up a sweat every day

It is estimated that approximately 90 percent of people over the age of 50 could benefit health-wise from a physically active lifestyle. However, Germans almost universally do not move enough. Only about 13% achieve a minimum level of exercise that is considered beneficial to health. This is half an hour of exercise on at least three days per week.

The activity should lead to an increase in pulse and respiratory rate and cause a slight sweating. Some endurance sports are considered particularly beneficial. These include:

  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Endurance running
  • Rowing
  • Cross-country skiing

However, positive health effects can also be achieved by walking briskly for half an hour a day. Especially for the untrained and at an advanced age, this is a good way to achieve the desired amount of exercise.

It’s never too late to get active

We all wish to live as healthy, active and independent as possible into old age. Whether this wish comes true is not natural and predetermined, but is significantly influenced by living conditions and lifestyle in the different phases of our lives. A healthy diet, sufficient physical exercise and the avoidance of excess weight are important prerequisites for spending many healthy years of life.

While each phase in a person’s life is significant for healthy aging, it is never too late to set a new course. Nor will you be able to achieve changes overnight. The only important thing is to start and have the goal in mind.