Healthy nutrition and sports | Healthy nutrition

Healthy nutrition and sports

A healthy diet and regular exercise are the pillars of a healthy lifestyle. They are the most important factors influencing fitness, well-being and health. In order to be able to perform well in sports, a complete and balanced diet is very important.

A balanced supply of vitamins and minerals should be encouraged, fiber and an optimal ratio of carbohydrates to fats should be considered. At the same time, you should not eat more than you actually need. Healthy nutrition and sports improve fat burning and the figure.

In addition, you strengthen your personal immune system and reduce the rate of infections. If you eat a healthy diet and are fit, you are less likely to fall ill. On the other hand, one should not live permanently in a calorie deficit, because humans need a certain amount of energy for mental and physical performance. In order to maintain or build up muscle mass, sufficient protein in food must be ensured.

Muscle building through healthy nutrition

There are healthy foods that promote muscle building as part of a muscle building workout. The basis is a daily fluid intake of at least 1 to 2 liters of water. Eggs contain a high concentration of essential amino acids.

They are an ideal source of protein during training. Eggs can be eaten raw in a shake, for example with bananas, organ juice and coconut. Fish is also a well-known high-quality protein source.

One to two fish meals a week are ideal for muscle building training. Nuts, beans and oats are foods that bring variety to the diet in addition to amino acids. Oats swell well with water and fruit and nuts provide healthy fatty acids, calcium, magnesium and iron in addition to protein.

Protein powder made from whey, hemp, rice or lupine protein can have a positive effect on muscle building in the form of protein shakes before or after training. The foods mentioned are examples of a diet in combination with training. A high-protein diet favors muscle building and promotes fat burning.