Hearing Damage from Concerts

A high-grade inner ear damage and tinnitus (ringing in the ears) are the stressful consequences of a pop concert. A young woman who suffered this permanent hearing damage as a result of attending a concert was recently awarded damages for pain and suffering (Ref: 5 U 1324/00).

Penalties for too loud music

According to the judge from the Koblenz Higher Regional Court, the organizers had exposed the visitors to a high sound level for 90 minutes in breach of duty. The fact that the woman stood near the boxes was not counted as contributory negligence. Because each visitor may rely on the fact that the organizer limits the music to a noise level that is not harmful to health.

“It remains to be hoped that this ruling will encourage the organizers of concerts and discos to rethink,” said Dr. Karin Uphoff of the Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Hören (FGH). “At many music events, the music is turned up louder than necessary for enjoyment and, above all, louder than is good for the ears. But one is not helplessly at the mercy of these volume levels. With earplugs or, better yet, custom-made hearing protection, you can enjoy music without harm.”

Noise can cause incurable damage to hearing

Hearing damage is possible above a volume of 85 decibels (dB) if you are exposed to this noise for at least 40 hours per week. This is referred to as the permissible weekly sound exposure. At rock and pop concerts and in discos at late hours, 100 to 110 decibels are often reached. At 100 decibels, the permissible sound exposure for a week is reached after about 80 minutes, at 110 decibels after just under ten minutes.

Special hearing protection for music lovers

No one has to miss out on the fun of going to a concert or disco. Dr.Karin Uphoff emphasizes: “Hearing protection preserves good hearing. So that also in the future music enjoyment and communication without compromises are possible.” There are custom-fitted hearing protectors with or without filters: hearing care professionals, for example, offer hearing protectors with filters especially for music lovers. This filter attenuates all frequencies evenly and therefore brings undistorted, natural sound. Good solutions that you should use for the sake of your hearing.