Heartburn during pregnancy


A pregnancy is a beautiful experience for many women, which they enjoy to the fullest. Other women, on the other hand, struggle with a whole range of complaints during pregnancy. These include nausea and vomiting, constipation and heartburn.

Especially heartburn during pregnancy is very unpleasant. Heartburn is the pain in the area of the breastbone and the throat when acid stomach contents reflux. Under normal circumstances, the triggers for heartburn are stress, fatty food, alcohol or caffeine.

During pregnancy, the release of the hormone progesterone is the main cause of heartburn. Progesterone “loosens” the ring-shaped sphincter muscle that forms the border between the stomach and the esophagus and actually prevents the reflux of acidic stomach contents. However, when the sphincter muscle is loosened, this reflux becomes possible, resulting in burning pain throughout the esophagus and stomach. General information on this topic can be found here: Heartburn

What helps against heartburn during pregnancy?

Heartburn during pregnancy is very stressful for many patients, fortunately there are some simple treatment options available. Heartburn during pregnancy can often be prevented by making slight changes in everyday life. The most important pillar here is probably the change in diet.

Pregnant women who suffer from heartburn should avoid very large, spicy and fatty meals. Several small meals that are easily digestible are better. Highly acidic foods such as fruit juices, fruit tea or vinegar-salad dressings also promote heartburn and should be avoided.

Many patients also find it helpful to regularly consume yoghurt products or ginger, for example as tea. It is also important to drink a sufficient amount of water, at least 1.5 – 2 liters of water are recommended daily. If heartburn occurs mainly when lying down, it can help to raise the upper body or turn to the left side, as this relieves the stomach.

You should also make sure that your clothes are not too tight and thus also increase the pressure on the stomach. Homeopathic remedies such as Robinia pseudacacia or alternative medicine methods such as acupressure can also help many pregnant women with heartburn. If these home remedies and life changes do not help, it is also possible to take medication against heartburn during pregnancy.

Here there are the acutely effective drugs in the group of antacids, which can bind excess stomach acid. Alternatively, the so-called proton pump inhibitors can reduce the production of stomach acid. Under no circumstances, however, should you take a medication on your own, but you should consult your gynecologist or a pharmacist to ensure that this medication cannot harm your child.

Against heartburn, it is especially helpful to fight the causes. Of course, the rising progesterone level cannot be treated for heartburn during pregnancy because the hormone is extremely important for maintaining pregnancy (progesterone is also called the “pregnancy protection hormone”). Nevertheless, it is possible to observe exactly when heartburn occurs.

If this is the case, for example after eating fatty foods, you should try to change your diet to less fatty foods. However, as mentioned above, you must also pay attention to the acidity of the various foods. Fruit, for example, contains hardly any fat, but a lot of natural acid.

This acid can also have a positive effect on the development of heartburn. If heartburn occurs after drinking caffeine, you should switch from coffee to tea. This not only counteracts heartburn, but is also better for the unborn child.

Caffeine in moderation is allowed during pregnancy, but the pregnant woman should rather switch to water and tea. If heartburn occurs due to stress or stressful situations, it is recommended to avoid these situations and reduce the stress. Here can help: Methods of natural medicine such as acupuncture or acupressure are also said to have relaxing effects.

  • Yoga
  • Autogenic Training
  • Relaxation exercises