Heat Exhaustion: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Heat exhaustion is a physical exhaustion condition that can be prevented by various measures. Paying attention to appropriate measures is especially important for at-risk groups.

What is heat exhaustion?

First aid for heat stroke in summer. Click to enlarge. Heat exhaustion is a form of heat exhaustion. The object of heat exhaustion is to deprive the body of fluids and electrolytes that it needs to function properly. The symptoms of heat exhaustion closely resemble the symptoms of shock. Corresponding symptoms include nausea, dizziness, headache, or even an onset of unconsciousness. Particularly at risk of heat exhaustion are, for example, sick people, infants or people older than 65 years. The background to the increased risk of heat exhaustion in infants is that their skin surface is still very small, so sweating is not sufficient to regulate body temperature. Elderly people are at increased risk of heat exhaustion because their thermoregulation is often impaired. Contributing to the increased risk of heat exhaustion in sick people is the fact that there is often acute weakness of the cardiovascular system.


Causes of heat exhaustion are mostly lack of fluids and lack of electrolytes. Long stays in very hot areas or rooms are mostly responsible for this. In this case, the body is not supplied with sufficient fluid. Heat exhaustion can be accelerated if prolonged physical exertion (such as endurance sports or physical labor) occurs during a stay in high heat. The biological background to heat exhaustion is that the body responds to high heat by sweating to release body heat into the environment. Sweating causes a loss of fluids and electrolytes (a form of minerals). As a result, there is, among other things, a thickening of the blood, which leads to a lack of blood in the internal organs. This is followed by heat exhaustion in the form of indicated symptoms.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Heat exhaustion can be prevented relatively easily in most cases. However, the complaints of this disease also depend greatly on the exact manifestation of heat exhaustion, so that a general prediction in this case is not possible. Those affected suffer first and foremost from a strong thirst. Even frequent drinking usually does not quench the thirst and it is still present. There are feelings of dizziness and often vomiting. The affected person may also lose consciousness. Respiratory distress may also occur. Patients appear pale and exhausted and therefore also suffer from a significantly reduced ability to work under pressure. Furthermore, severe headaches occur during heat exhaustion. If acute heat stroke occurs, these pains are accompanied by migraine and extremely restrict the patient’s daily life. In severe cases, this can also lead to a comatose state. Deaths do not usually occur in this case. In most cases, the affected person can recover relatively well after heat exhaustion, so that there are no complications and no permanent damage. The life expectancy is also usually not negatively affected.

Diagnosis and course

The diagnosis of heat exhaustion is already obvious if an affected person shows typical symptoms such as dizziness or nausea, is in hot temperatures and states to have taken little fluid. If there is uncertainty as to whether heat exhaustion or, for example, heat stroke (another form of heat exhaustion) is present, the skin of the affected person can provide information: In heat exhaustion, a sufferer’s skin is usually pale, cool and moist, while in heat stroke it tends to be red and hot. Usually, symptoms of heat exhaustion subside when a sufferer seeks out lower temperatures and consumes adequate fluids. If symptoms of heat exhaustion are ignored, there is a risk of resulting heat stroke, which in some cases can lead to coma.


In the worst cases, heat exhaustion can be fatal to the patient. However, it can be prevented and avoided very easily.Heat exhaustion primarily causes increased thirst. The body has to compensate for the loss of fluids caused by heavy sweating. Furthermore, headaches and dizziness occur. In the worst case, the patient suffers a loss of consciousness, and injuries may result from a fall. There is a general feeling of illness and severe pallor and nausea. The patient’s resilience drops extremely and ordinary activities can no longer be performed. Treatment of heat exhaustion is relatively simple and quick. Consequential damage or loss of consciousness can be completely avoided. The affected person needs plenty of fluids and a stable position to rest. In severe cases, treatment by a doctor is necessary. As a rule, however, the symptoms disappear after only a few hours after the heat exhaustion has occurred. There are no further complications. Life expectancy is also not affected by heat exhaustion.

When should you go to the doctor?

Heat exhaustion does not necessarily require a visit to the doctor. It is sufficient if the affected person goes to a place where he is protected from the sun’s rays. A place in the shade or a stay in an air-conditioned building are helpful. In addition, the affected person should take it easy and get some rest. Physical activities should be discontinued or kept to a minimum. Fluids should also be consumed at a higher rate, and cold compresses help to cool down. If other stressors are avoided, most people experience a marked improvement in well-being within a few minutes or hours. If there is an opportunity for a nap, this is also conducive to recovery. A restful night’s sleep under optimal conditions is recommended. There should be sufficient oxygen and the ambient temperatures should not be too warm. A doctor is needed as soon as circulatory collapse occurs due to heat exhaustion. Disturbances in circulation, persistent dizziness, nausea and vomiting should be controlled if they persist for several days. If the affected person seems dizzy, has a headache or experiences coordination problems, a visit to the doctor is advisable. If dehydration occurs, there is an emergency. To ensure the survival of the affected person, an emergency doctor must be called immediately in particularly severe cases.

Treatment and therapy

Various immediate measures are important in the treatment of heat exhaustion. These include, for example, loosening the affected person’s tight clothing and transporting him or her to a shaded area where he or she has the opportunity to lie down flat (legs should be positioned slightly elevated). Another component of immediate measures (first aid) for heat exhaustion is to provide the affected person with mineral-rich fluids sip by sip; juice spritzers, broths, mineral water or herbal teas are suitable for this purpose, for example. In the case of heat exhaustion, it can also be important to check the pulse and respiration of the affected person at regular intervals. If a person becomes unconscious as a result of heat exhaustion, it is advisable to contact an emergency physician.

Outlook and prognosis

Heat exhaustion is a serious symptom that requires immediate response. The prognosis worsens dramatically if the initial symptoms of body overheating are mismeasured or ignored. Often athletes who exercise in high heat and drink too little are affected by heat exhaustion. Even ignoring the first symptoms can result in heat exhaustion with brief unconsciousness. If overheating-related symptoms such as headache, feeling weak, dizziness, cramps or nausea are disregarded, heat stroke is imminent. Sunstroke is also possible as a further development. At some point, the organism no longer has any remedy against the resulting overheating. The accompanying dehydration can lead to hallucinations and a state of shock. This worsens the prognosis for the affected person. His breathing becomes shallow. The affected person looks remarkably pale after his skin initially appeared red. If the affected person is not cooled and given fluids immediately, there is a danger to life. An emergency physician must be called immediately if the patient becomes unconscious.A worsening of his condition is also a reason to call the emergency physician. Heat exhaustion is often underestimated. It is often attributed to the wrong causes by the person affected or by those present. Therefore, the prospects for rapid improvement are good only if proper action is taken immediately. Prevention, however, would have been wiser.


To prevent heat exhaustion, it is first recommended to avoid heavy physical work in hot temperatures if possible. Limiting athletic activities in hot weather can also help prevent heat exhaustion – this applies to both outdoor sports and sports played in gymnasiums that may be overheated. Another way to prevent heat exhaustion is to wear loose-fitting or air-permeable clothing that allows the body to regulate its temperature. To prevent heat exhaustion even when doing a lot of physical work in a hot environment, it is important to drink enough fluids rich in minerals (e.g. mineral water). Alcohol and very sweet, sugary drinks should be avoided.


After the body has been exposed to high temperatures, care should be taken to increase fluid and electrolyte intake. Otherwise, there is a risk of fever, cramps or even circulatory collapse. Special electrolyte drinks, juice spritzers, mineral water, lightly salted water, non-alcoholic beer and vegetable broth are recommended. Two to four glasses of a cool (not cold) drink per hour are considered a guideline. Even more should be drunk if taking medications that are used for dehydration. It is also important to stay in a cool place. The head should be held under running and cold water if possible. The forearms, neck and feet should also be cooled. Until symptoms disappear, patients should lie flat and elevate their legs slightly. After heat exhaustion, sufferers should take it easy. The body needs time to recover. Doctors recommend up to three days of heat rest. Nutrition also plays an important role in aftercare. Attention should be paid to easily digestible and low-fat food. Fruits, vegetables and salads are ideal. Several small portions spread throughout the day help digestion. In the future, attention should be paid to headgear. In addition, one should avoid extensive sunbathing at too high temperatures.

This is what you can do yourself

In case of heat exhaustion, rest, sleep and the intake of sufficient fluids will help. The latter can be taken via drinks or foods with a high water content. Watermelons, oranges, cucumbers or tomatoes are particularly recommended. In addition, these foods are rich in vitamins and thus support the immune system. As soon as the first signs of exhaustion appear, rest should be taken. Habitual work or physical exertion should be limited and minimized to the bare minimum. Necessary activities should be performed with adequate breaks. The affected person should ensure that he or she is not alone and has help at hand. If gait is unsteady or dizziness occurs, extreme caution and a slow approach is required. If the assistance of others cannot be adequately provided, the affected person must ensure that he/she secures him/herself when moving around. This can be done with aids or by holding on to objects and walls. By taking these measures, he or she reduces the risk of accidents and falls if a fainting spell threatens. The patient should refrain from using public transport. Staying in direct sunlight should also be avoided. If possible, a cold bath or shower can be taken. Air-conditioned rooms or fans are helpful to reduce outside temperatures or create wind movement.