Heavy Legs in Summer

Especially in summer, many complain about heavy legs. The cause is the high temperatures, which lead to vasodilatation of the veins. Due to the vasodilatation, the skin is better supplied with blood and the heat exchange surface is increased. As a result, the body can release more heat. However, this regulatory mechanism also has disadvantages: Vein vasodilatation can cause the valves in the veins to stop working properly, causing blood to pool in the legs. This causes the heavy feeling in the legs.

Lack of fluids as a cause

Heavy legs in summer, however, are also favored by the fact that the body loses a lot of fluid, especially in high temperatures. This makes the blood more viscous and the blood flow slower. This can also lead to blood congestion in the legs.

In addition, the heat increases the force of gravity and further complicates the return flow of blood to the heart.

Heavy legs in summer: what to do?

To avoid aching, heavy legs in the summer, you should pay special attention to drinking plenty of fluids. This makes the blood thinner and accelerates the flow rate. In addition, one should avoid great heat, such as in the blazing midday sun. Instead, it is better to rest in the shade and elevate the aching legs a little.

In addition, general tips against vein weakness such as alternating showers, massages of the legs and light exercise are also recommended.

Heavy legs when traveling

People who suffer from venous weakness should follow some tips when traveling long distances by car or airplane, as they often have to deal with heavy legs. Because sitting for a long time can cause a particularly large amount of blood to accumulate in the legs, there is also a risk of thrombosis. Therefore, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Take enough liquid to yourself.
  • Rock your toes while sitting and do not cross your legs.
  • Take a break every hour or so and stretch your legs. On the plane or train, you can walk up and down the aisle once.
  • Wear travel socks.
  • Take a blood thinning medication after prior consultation with your doctor.