Heavy Legs

Legs are heavy as lead, they tingle, itch and hurt. Probably everyone of us knows the feeling of tired, heavy legs. On the one hand, these can indicate heavily strained but healthy legs, but on the other hand, they can also be a sign of a disease such as weak veins. In Germany, around 22 million people suffer from weak veins, and those who are overweight or drink too little and exercise too little are particularly at risk. Heavy legs can also cause problems after jogging or during pregnancy. But what helps? Depending on the cause, the treatment options are different, but mostly helpful are elevating as well as cold showering the legs.

Heavy legs due to weak veins

Those who suffer from tired, heavy legs rarely think that vein disease could be the cause. Yet several million people in Germany struggle with minor or major vein problems. If no doctor is consulted despite veins in need of treatment, this can have serious consequences. These range from varicose veins and open legs to thrombosis.

Symptoms that may indicate weak veins are:

  • Swollen ankles
  • Itching and tingling in the legs
  • Stabbing pain in the legs

Spider veins are also a possible sign. Anyone who has particularly many spider veins or even already varicose veins, should have his legs examined by a doctor.

When the valves in the veins no longer close

Weakness of the veins has many causes, hereditary factors play just as much a role as too little exercise or unhealthy lifestyle habits. In weak veins, the blood vessels are dilated, which causes the venous valves to no longer close properly. In healthy veins, they prevent the blood from flowing back into the legs.

However, if the venous valves no longer close properly, the blood flows back. This can lead to further expansion of the veins. Over time, the increased venous blood pressure creates crevices from which fluid can leak; edema forms. If no treatment is given, this can lead to so-called open legs at a later stage.

Heavy legs due to weak veins: what to do?

If tired, heavy legs are due to vein disease, you should especially avoid standing and sitting for long periods of time. Instead, you should elevate your aching legs as often as possible. Alternating showers can also help to relieve the pain.

In addition, the vessels can also be strengthened by special vein gymnastics. Through gymnastics, the blood vessels remain elastic and the venous valves close better again. In addition, vein gymnastics can also facilitate the return flow of blood to the heart. As the muscles in the calves and thighs press on the vessels during vein gymnastics, the vessels are compressed and blood is carried toward the heart.

Prevent heavy legs

If you have a particularly large number of spider veins or even varicose veins, you should definitely seek medical treatment. Your doctor may also prescribe compression stockings to prevent heavy legs. These support vein function by exerting pressure on the veins from the outside. This significantly reduces the diameter of the dilated veins and allows the venous valves to close better again. Compression stockings also ensure that no more fluid leaks into the tissue.

Compression stockings are available in four different strengths, depending on the severity of the condition. For tired, heavy legs due to venous disease, class one is recommended.