Help your Digestion on the Way

Regular digestion is a foundation for our well-being. But for every third person, going to the toilet is a problem. Constipation is not just a nuisance. Bloating, abdominal pain, flatulence and fatigue cause a general feeling of discomfort. And this increases the longer you miss bowel movements. How you can stimulate the intestines and digestion, and what helps when you do not have a bowel movement, you can learn here.

Bowel movements: what is normal?

When and how often you need to go to the toilet varies from person to person. Everyone has their own rhythm. Many feel comfortable if they have a bowel movement once every day. But medically, this is not a must. Only when one has a bowel movement less than two or three times a week is bowel inertia present. The main cause of digestive problems is our unhealthy lifestyle.

Unhealthy lifestyle promotes constipation

Unbalanced diet and other unhealthy behaviors are often the causes of constipation:

  • Our diet contains too little fiber. This makes the intestines lazy, because fiber promotes intestinal function by binding water. Thus, they ensure a fast intestinal transit and prevent the stool from becoming too hard.
  • In addition, we drink too little. The coffee in the morning, the wine at lunch and the beer in the evening are not enough. At least two to three liters of fluid should be drunk per day. This also keeps the intestinal contents sufficiently supple.
  • Stress and hectic leave us no time to go to the toilet. However, the “denial” avenges itself, the intestinal contents thickens strongly. When we finally have time, the stool is hard and the bowel movement painful.
  • We do not move enough. Most of our lives we spend sitting: at a desk, in the car, in front of the TV. So we ourselves become sluggish and our bowels too. Those who do not have a bowel movement for a few days in a row, suffer increasingly and want quick relief.

Reliable agents such as the laxative Bisacodyl quickly eliminate the current problem. Who seriously and permanently wants to do something for his digestion, should additionally undertake to eliminate the causes.

20-point program stimulates bowel movements

The simple Bekunis 20-point program helps with this. It includes tips on how to eat healthy and exercise, as well as advice on how to educate your bowels to have regular bowel movements. Each adherence to a tip earns a certain number of points. You don’t have to follow all the recommendations. But every day so many that you get to 20 points.

7 Tips for healthy eating

To improve digestion and promote bowel movements, you should follow the following tips in terms of diet:

Points Diet measure
6 Eat cereal products made from whole wheat flour. This contains four to five times more fiber than white flour.
3 Drink more than 1.5 liters of fluid per day. Water, unsweetened juice or tea are especially good.
2 Every day, eat some cereal that you mix together from whole grains, some milk and seasonal fruits.
4 Eat raw or not too softly cooked vegetables every day. Cabbages are also recommended because they are rich in fiber.
5 Don’t gulp while eating, but chew each bite thoroughly. Well chewed is half digested.
3 If you have an appetite for a glass of wine, drink white wine instead of red wine. Red wine contains tannins that are constipating.
2 Do not drink ice-cold beer. Chilled beer at eight to ten degrees C aids digestion, while beer that is too cold paralyzes digestion.

5 Tips for “gut education”

These five tips for the bowel stimulate digestion:

Points Bowel education measure
3 Drink a glass of water on an empty stomach right after getting up in the morning. This stimulates the bowels.
6 Teach your bowels to empty themselves in the morning. To do this, always go to the bathroom for five minutes at the same time in the morning – even if you don’t “have” to. Relax by breathing deeply in and out.
3 Schedule time to use the restroom in the morning.So you can go to the “quiet little toilet” in peace and at home. Sit down at the table for breakfast beforehand. If you are in a hurry to eat your breakfast roll on the stairs, you will often feel the need to defecate when you are on your way to work.
5 Always and immediately go to the toilet as soon as you feel a bowel stimulus. If you suppress bowel movements, the bowel will respond with constipation.
2 Keep up your “toilet routine” even on vacations and vacations. When you sleep in late, your bowels like to laze along. This can also lead to constipation.

7 Tips for movements that get the bowels going

The following tips from the Bekunis 20-point program will get you moving more, helping to maintain regular bowel movements:

Points Measure for more bowel movement
2 Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms far from you and straighten your upper body. Hold briefly and lay back down. Continue breathing normally. Repeat this exercise ten times.
3 Lie on your back and slowly pull your knees up to your chest. Hold briefly and slowly lower back into extension. Repeat ten times.
4 Kneel on the floor and support yourself on your hands. Breathe out completely. Pull your belly in and let it pop back out as forcefully as possible. Repeat three times.
2 Remain kneeling on the floor. Squeeze the gluteal muscles for six seconds and relax them again. This exercises the pelvic floor and strengthens the anus. Repeat five times.
2 Massage your abdomen for five minutes. Lie on your back and relax your abdomen. Make drumming movements on the abdominal wall with your fingers. This stimulus transfers to the abdominal organs and stimulates bowel activity.
2 Start each morning with breathing exercises while sitting or standing. As you inhale, straighten up; as you exhale, let your upper body collapse into itself. Repeat five times.
3 Get enough exercise. Regular walks and sports such as running, walking, cycling and especially swimming support bowel activity. At least 30 to 45 minutes.

The Bekunis 20-point program promotes not only digestion, but health in general, and therefore well-being. But be patient! Then you will soon notice an improvement in your digestion – if you regularly pamper your intestines with the 20-point program.