Hemangioma of the liver and nutrition | Hemangioma of the liver – Is it dangerous?

Hemangioma of the liver and nutrition

The diet usually has no influence on a hemangioma of the liver. However, if there are changes in liver tissue in the course of a lifetime, which can occur due to nutritional factors with a very high-fat diet and regular alcohol consumption, it may be possible that a hemangioma has less room. On the one hand, this lack of space could put pressure on important structures in the liver and pressurize them, and on the other hand, it could also lead to bleeding due to a tear

Hemangioma of the liver and alcohol

The consumption of alcohol in small amounts should generally not affect hemangiomas of the liver. In the course of structural changes of the liver when alcohol consumption is regularly too high, the hemangioma can become too small, for example in the context of fatty liver or liver cirrhosis. A rupture in superficial hemangiomas, or the relocation of important structures can then trigger complications such as bleeding or jaundice.