Hiking Time: 7 Tips against Blisters on the Feet

Every year anew, thousands of vacationers are drawn to the mountains or hiking trails across Europe to experience nature on foot in an original way. Every hiker knows the blisters that occur when too much pressure is applied to an area of skin. But what is the best way to prevent blisters on the feet? We have summarized the seven best tips against blisters on the feet below.

Small blisters, big pain

Blisters are caused by friction or pressure on the skin. First, the affected area reddens, then the top layer of skin comes off and the cavity fills with tissue water. Since the injury to the skin exposes the nerve endings located there to constant irritation, the result is a stabbing, excruciating pain. There are simple tips to treat blisters on the feet.

Seven tips on how to prevent blisters.

  • Comfortable shoes

The simplest and best tip against blisters must be considered already when buying shoes. In particular, fashionable, open shoes worn without socks, rub strongly on the skin. Therefore, choose shoes that are tightly closed. If the foot varies between two sizes, it is always better to choose the larger pair. By the way, shoes should always be bought in the evening. Then the feet have reached the maximum expansion and it is certain that the shoes will fit at any time of day.

  • Break in new shoes

Shoes fresh from the store are still hard and inflexible. Especially hiking boots made of sturdy leather can rub uncomfortably at seams. Shoes must therefore be broken in at home already three weeks before the planned hike. Spending half an hour a day in the new shoes makes the leather more supple and ready for the big hike. Rubbing the shoe leather with vinegar can also be helpful.

  • Special socks for increased protection

In stores for outdoor supplies, in places also in normal shoe stores, socks with reinforced heel and toe are offered. These two areas on the foot are exposed to the greatest friction from footwear. Therefore, special socks have an extra-thick layer of fabric in these areas for extra cushioning. Other special socks support the balls of the feet. Good special socks also have a moisture-regulating effect. Dry feet are much less prone to blisters, so specialty socks provide active and passive protection at the same time.

  • Protect sensitive areas

Particularly sensitive to pressure are the heels, the tops of the toes and the balls of the feet. Here, the protective skin is thinnest and the friction of the footwear is highest. Before a hike, therefore, the aforementioned areas in particular should be protected especially well, most simply by the preventive use of plasters. These build a second protective layer between the foot and the shoe and prevent direct friction on the skin.

  • Preventive: blister plasters in the luggage.

In a good hiking equipment belong preventively always blister plasters. If a blister appears on the foot on the way, it can be treated immediately with a blister plaster. These plasters are equipped with skin-soothing substances and provide the irritated skin areas effective protection against the effects of pressure. Blister plasters are available for all areas of the foot, it is recommended to have a complete package for all eventualities.

  • Skin care and barefoot running

In winter, many people tend to neglect their feet. Then, in spring, cracked, sensitive and vulnerable feet come to light. Foot care is therefore also outside the hiking season to the mandatory program. Pumice stones and special foot lotions help against cracked, horny feet. Creams with urea are also effective. These keep moisture in the skin and the feet elastic and supple. A good preparation for long hiking tours is frequent barefoot walking. On the one hand, it strengthens the foot muscles, and on the other, it builds up a thicker layer of callus, which makes the soles of the feet more resistant to pressure. This natural callus does not have to look unkempt, as long as it is cared for regularly.

  • Foot bath with chamomile

Chamomile has an antibacterial, skin-soothing effect. Footbaths mixed with chamomile can act both preventively, as well as to a quick cure for blisters that have already occurred on the feet.For an effective foot bath, a temperature of 25° to 30° Celsius should be selected and the feet should remain in the water for at least 15 minutes. Ideally, natural chamomile flower is used as an additive, but pre-made preparations for foot baths are also available.

At what point is it allowed to prick blisters?

A blister develops as a protective function of the body. It covers destroyed parts of the skin and thus prevents further damage to the tissue. Therefore, blisters should not be pricked as a rule, but only covered with plasters. Only superficial blisters that are under strong tension may be opened with a sterile needle. If a hygienic needle is not available on the way, a sewing needle disinfected with alcohol can also be used. Always puncture the center of the blister so that the fluid can drain. Once the bladder is emptied, the skin is covered with a plaster. Under no circumstances should the skin be cut above the irritated layer of skin. This can cause serious infections.

Consult the doctor for large blisters

In the case of large blisters, which can occur after long hikes, a doctor should be consulted. Here, deep layers of skin may be injured and there is a risk of infection. Self-treatment with plasters is no longer possible in this case. A doctor should also be consulted if the fluid smells unpleasant or purulent after a blister has been punctured. Diabetics should also always consult a doctor about blisters on their feet.