Hip Osteoarthritis (Coxarthrosis): Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate coxarthrosis (hip osteoarthritis):

Leading symptoms

  • Start-up pain or run-in pain and joint stiffness in the hip joint – in the morning after getting up or the first steps after sitting.
  • Fatigue pain in the hip joint – after prolonged walking or standing.

Associated symptoms

  • Impaired internal rotation (inward rotation) of the thigh (early symptom).
  • Disabled flexion contracture (extension) as well as adduction contracture (abduction) of the thigh (late symptom).
  • Restriction of movement, for example, when tying shoelaces.
  • Gait pattern: Schonhinken, pain limp.
  • Periarthrosis coxae – collective name for painful tendon insertions, degenerative tendopathies (damage to a tendon), myalgia (muscle pain).
  • Rest pain in the later stages (also night pain).
  • Pain, especially in the groin (groin pain / groin pain), but also in the area of the greater trochanter (large rolling mound of the thigh bone or hip outside), the buttock muscles and the front of the thigh; the pain can radiate to the knees
  • Pinching pain in the groin area, which suddenly shoot in and are very painful