HIV test

In the case of HIV, the infection is often detected before the first symptoms appear. Anyone who has come into contact with potentially contaminated material should be tested for possible infection as soon as possible. This usually takes place two weeks after the possible infection, since a test carried out too early can mean a negative result despite an existing infection, since the measured components are still found in too small a quantity in the blood.

In certain cases, a slightly different test, a so-called PCR, can be performed if there is a well-founded suspicion, which can provide a result even before this time. Normally, a screening test in the blood will detect components of the virus itself as well as antibodies already formed. If this test is positive, an additional, more specific test is carried out to confirm the results, in order to spare the patient a false positive result.

Only then is the patient considered HIV positive. A thorough physical examination should then be performed. In addition, the number of T cells and HI viruses in the blood is determined.

Costs at the public health office at the doctor

There are several ways to have an HIV test done. Depending on the reason for which such a test is to be carried out, the patient decides either for the family doctor, infectiologist, occupational physician or the public health department. An HIV test is not a service of the public health insurance, i.e. the test must be paid for by the patient.

An exception is occupational exposure, where an HIV test is paid for by the employers’ liability insurance association. HIV exposure, i.e. contact with an HIV patient and the risk of infection, usually occurs in medical professions. If a doctor or nurse stings himself/herself on a needle that was previously in contact with a patient, there is not only the risk that the employee has become infected with HIV but also with other infectious diseases.

In this case, a blood sample must be taken immediately to show whether the employee has previously been infected with HIV. After a few weeks, the second test is carried out. This test can be done at the occupational physician or the public health department.

In this case, the costs are covered by the employer’s liability insurance association and are not charged to the employee. The public health department also offers the possibility to have a free HIV test after a previous consultation. Depending on the laboratory, an HIV test at the family doctor costs between 11 EUR and 15 EUR.