
  • Common cold
  • Cough
  • Diphtheria
  • Krupp
  • Pseudocroup


Hoarseness can have various causes, which we will discuss in detail in the following topic. Possible causes are inflammation, swelling, paralysis and irritation of the vocal folds.


There are several causes of hoarseness, the most common causes are

  • Inflammations in the neck and larynx area
  • Disorders of vocal fold mobility (vocal fold paresis)
  • Throat Cancer
  • Injuries
  • Recurve Paresis

Acute laryngitis, laryngitis acuta and laryngitis subglottica (pseudo croup): recurrent infections in the region of the nasopharynx (tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis) promote inflammation of the nearby larynx.

  • Recurrent paralysis, recurrent paresis, paralysis of the nerve recurrensA small nerve near the larynx (nervus recurrens) can be injured during thyroid surgery, but also in other diseases (laryngeal cancer) and operations near the larynx, e.g. operations of the thyroid gland struma, and can fail. The result is paralysis of a vocal cord in the larynx.

    The patient notices a voice weakness and hoarseness.

  • Occupational reasonsDecades of vocal use, work with vapors, chemical substances or dust can lead to a later restriction of vocal fold mobility and cause a rough voice or hoarseness.
  • StimmlippenlähmungIf with a larynx inflammation the vocal cords were not sufficiently calmed down by silence, an insufficient vocal fold conclusion can be the consequence.
  • “Old voice”, hoarseness due to ageIn old or very weakened people, the tension of the vocal chords can decrease and cause hoarseness. As with all other tissues, the tension of the vocal chords also decreases with age.
  • Stroke, Cerebral Hemorrhage, Bulbar Paralysis (N. X)After a stroke in a certain area of the brain, the core of the laryngeal nerve can be affected and paralyzed. The consequences are hoarseness, voice weakness and difficulty swallowing.

Benign tumors (polyp, nodules, papilloma): vocal fold nodules mainly occur in people who use their voice continuously and intensively.

This includes certain professional groups such as singers and teachers. But also children can develop vocal fold nodules by excessive screaming (so-called screaming children). Cancer of the throat, larynx cancer, vocal fold cancer: Predominantly men in the higher age fall ill. For about 70 years this tumor has been observed more frequently and is explained by an increase in environmental toxins.

In the first place of harmful substances stands above all the cigarette smoke! Intubation damage after an operation in general anesthesia: With a general anesthesia the respiration hose (tube) is pushed directly between the vocal cords (Intubation). The vocal cords can be affected by an irritation or injury.

Laryngeal traumaTrauma to the larynx: The larynx can be injured in accidents, falls or fights. In addition to swelling, pain and shortness of breath, hoarseness occurs. ScaldBurning: Excessively hot vapors or toxic aerosols may injure the vocal cords after accidental inhalation.

In most cases the vocal cords react with swelling. Foreign bodies: Inhaled foreign bodies (insects, crumbs) can get stuck in the larynx and restrict the function of the vocal chords. In addition to hoarseness, respiratory distress also occurs. Constriction, stenosis: When the thyroid gland is enlarged (retrosternal goiter), the space of the trachea and larynx can be constricted. Tumors (esophageal carcinoma, esophageal cancer) in the upper breast area (mediastinum) can also constrict the mobility and space of the larynx.