
Holopathy (Greek : holos = whole; pathos = suffering) is a modern method of treating a person as a unity of body and mind. It is largely based on the research of the Austrian physician Dr. Christian Steiner and serves as a healing method to combat acute diseases on the one hand and chronic pain conditions and mood disorders on the other. Holopathy belongs to the field of energy medicine, which also includes color light therapy and magnetic field therapy. This form of medicine is based on the use of biocontrolling electromagnetic waves.

Indications (areas of application)

  • Chronic degenerative diseases
  • Chronic immunodeficiency associated with persistent and frequent infections
  • Acute and chronic pain
  • Inflammatory processes in the musculoskeletal system
  • Burnout syndrome; fatigue; exhaustion
  • Insomnia (sleep disorders)
  • Depression
  • Migraine (neurological disorder with seizure-like, pulsating headaches that can last for hours to days).
  • Psychosomatic diseases
  • Allergies
  • Atopic skin diseases such as atopic eczema (neurodermatitis).
  • Arthritis (inflammation of the joints)
  • Osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease)
  • Hematomas (blood leakage from injured blood vessels into the surrounding tissue).

The procedure

Holopathy represents a healing method based on the principle of finding the real and decisive reason for his disease(s) from a plethora of complaints of the patient. By looking at the person as a whole, the treating therapist, using the QuintStation (computer-assisted electro-acupuncture), is able to deduce the possible systemic disease. Using the QuintStation, which is a further development of Voll’s electroacupuncture, a skin resistance measurement is taken on the patient’s hand, from which the therapist can derive an “energetic system overview.” The computer-assisted examination is to enable a comparison with the pollutants and environmental stresses stored on the QuintStation. A cure can only be achieved if the pollutants in the body are eliminated, as this disturbs the balance of the body’s control and thus the “superordinate energy of the acupuncture meridians (channels in which, according to Chinese medicine, the life energy “Qi” flows)”. This causes a negative influence on the organ systems and, according to followers of holopathy, can only be achieved by eliminating the cause of the disease and not by suppressing symptoms (signs of disease). The positive influence on the meridians is achieved by correctly administered doses of trace elements, “vibrational spectra” of special medicinal herbs and homeopathic substances. Because of this, holopathy is a combination of traditional naturopathy and modern computer-based medicine. The course of therapy is as follows:

  • A holopathy session consists of two parts: first, the diagnosis determination by means of a computer-based system and secondly, the treatment with the patient-specific substance vibrations, in which the healing information should be.
  • Using the QuintStation, which stores information on various harmful substances, magnetic heads are used to measure the skin resistance.
  • After evaluating the results, a suitable composition of medicinal plants, herbal teas, trace elements and homeopathics are used for treatment.
  • The substances should achieve a restoration of balance and promote the self-healing powers of the body.
  • A holopathy session lasts between 20 minutes and an hour and must be repeated according to the needs of the patient and depending on the severity of the disease.
  • Following treatment, it is possible to equip the patient with the QuintChip to ensure energetic optimization of the patient outside of therapy. The QuintChip is a metal chip, which is worn like a chain on the body and was previously transferred by a special device with electromagnetic information.


Holopathy as a method of complementary medicine represents a synthesis of homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, herbal medicine and electromagnetic therapy, which should lead to the correction of the energetic state of the body. Thus, the treatment is to be considered both in the fight against diseases and in the prevention (prevention) of suffering.