Home Remedies for Calluses

Cornea not only looks unsightly, but can also lead to unpleasant discomfort and pain for many affected individuals. Often infections can lead to inflammation, so that for some people a regular treatment of the cornea is inevitable. Here the question arises for these persons, which home remedies can be used for the treatment of a cornea and which help quickly. Alternative remedies are also used again and again with pleasure.

Which home remedies help against calluses?

The oil of the Australian tea tree given in a foot bath helps to soften the callus. There are a variety of home remedies that can help treat a callus. The Australian tea tree oil is especially popular. A few drops of this oil are added to a hot foot bath for callus removal. This makes the callus very soft and can be easily removed afterwards. To enhance the effect, the tea tree oil should also be applied to the callus after the foot bath and rubbed off with it. Here, however, care should be taken that the feet are dry before the oil is applied directly. Apple cider vinegar can also be used to remove calluses. Due to the acid, the callus can be removed very well and in some cases even falls off by itself. Therefore, apple cider vinegar should always be handled carefully and used sparingly. Furthermore, many affected people rave about chamomile tea bags. These are placed on the affected skin areas and also soften the skin. The chamomile tea bags should be applied while still warm. An exposure time of a good 30 minutes is very recommendable. Rubbing with 100 percent aloe vera juice can also soften the callus very well. A subsequent removal is then very easy and by the active ingredients of the juice particularly pleasant for the affected persons.

In foot care, also called pedicure, the toenails are shortened and calluses are removed (also corns). On the other hand, medical foot care or podiatry includes direct treatments of the feet.

The treatment or removal of foot ailments and diseases, such as corns, nail fungus and are included in medical foot care.

Quick help

Basically, all home remedies work very quickly in a treatment of calluses. The home remedies prepare the cornea for removal. It becomes soft and can subsequently be easily removed with other tools. Here, for example, a pumice stone, which can be bought in any drugstore, is very suitable. The callus can also be treated with a hard brush. However, care should be taken not to remove too much callus. This can very easily lead to injuries of the skin underneath and become very painful. In addition, after a treatment of the cornea, one should treat these body parts to a special care. For this purpose, deer tallow or an ointment made of calendula is very suitable. Thus, a quick treatment with home remedies is not a problem, but such treatment should be repeated at regular intervals.

Alternative remedies

In the treatment of calluses, most affected people also like to use alternative remedies. Especially popular here are the Schüssler salts. These can be applied both internally and externally. Usually a combination is also advisable and can cause a significant improvement. For internal use, the Schüssler salt No. 1 Calcium Fluoratum and the Schüssler salt No. 11 Silicea are used. These active substances are usually taken in tablets and alleviate corneal complaints. Here, 1 to 3 tablets are taken 3 to 6 times a day. In addition, a high dosage can also provide relief in extremely severe cases. For this purpose, one tablet is taken every ten minutes. In children and adolescents should be urgently consulted with a doctor. The Schüssler – Salt No. 1 Calcium Fluoratum can also be used for external application. This is often used in the form of an ointment and has already worked wonders for many affected people. In homeopathy, the homeopathic remedy graphite has also proven itself and inspires more and more people.