Home remedies for certain skin rashes | Home remedy for a rash

Home remedies for certain skin rashes

Depending on the cause of the rash, different home remedies may be more effective than others. Mites are small arachnids, whose excrement in combination with house dust can make life difficult for many people. The mites’ faeces dry out and then decompose.

If it comes into contact with human skin, it can lead to severe skin rashes. Sufficient care of the skin offers protection against the components of the mite faeces, which can be absorbed through damaged skin areas and lead to inflammation and rashes. Care products such as chamomile, aloe vera or olive oil provide the skin with a lot of moisture, keep it supple and firm and prevent it from drying out.

They also have an anti-inflammatory effect and can counteract the harmful mite excrement. Another household remedy that is often used in mite control is coconut oil. This oil contains an ingredient to whose smell mites are very sensitive.

If you rub yourself with the coconut oil, the mites are driven away by the prominent smell. If eggs are already laid, the hatched mites are killed by the coconut oil. Tea tree oil is also supposed to keep the mites away and can be added to room sprays or even detergent and develop an odor that will deter the mites.

However, the most effective method of combating rashes caused by mite infestation is to wash bed linen regularly at at least 60 °, change the mattress or even freeze cuddly toys in the freezer. After the administration of antibiotics, incompatibilities in the form of skin rashes may occur more often. In most cases these rashes occur two to three days after the administration of antibiotics and can be accompanied by severe itching and redness.

Cooling compresses in the form of cold washcloths, cool packs or quark envelopes can alleviate the tormenting itching. In order to strengthen the skin again and to promote regeneration, well-known caring household remedies such as chamomile, aloe vera or also arnica can be used.They not only care for the skin, but also fight inflammation and strengthen and invigorate the weakened skin structure. Oat flakes can be boiled up with a little water and applied as a mushy mass to the reddened skin areas.

The oat flakes remove the inflammation from the skin and regenerate the cells from the depths. This allows the skin to recover and rebuild from the healthy cells. However, the only way to fight the rash in its cause is to stop taking the antibiotic.

However, a thorough risk-benefit analysis should be carried out and the discontinuation of the antibiotic should never be done without consulting a doctor. Skin rashes are very common in the context of allergies. They are characterized by redness, swelling and itching.

Above all, it is important to avoid the triggering allergen as much as possible. To prevent allergies effectively, great importance should be attached to a healthy and strengthened immune system. Through the regular supply of vitamins and minerals, the body is supplied with an essential component that helps to strengthen the immune system.

Plants such as ginger or aloe vera can also have an effect on the entire body and above all strengthen the skin from within and give it a healthy and well-groomed complexion. If weeping, swollen skin rashes occur due to an allergy, coriander can be used to relieve the itching and to contain and combat the inflammatory processes. Onions also have a very strong anti-inflammatory effect.

The consumption of one onion per day can prevent the release of the messenger substance histamine in allergic reactions and thus prevent the development of rashes and itching. You can find more information on this topic here: Strengthening the immune systemThere are many household remedies available for the treatment of hives. Cold compresses are particularly effective.

They soothe itching and have a decongesting effect. The juice of the stinging nettle has a calming effect on the skin and leads to a reduction in hives. It soothes itching and counteracts the swelling of the damaged skin areas.

The wheals lose their size and slowly recede. Hives and rashes are often accompanied by a severe burning sensation of the skin, which can be quickly relieved by applying peppermint tea. The juice of peppermint leaves also has an anti-inflammatory effect and soothes irritated skin.

Apple cider vinegar and aloe vera can also be used to treat wheals in the case of skin rashes. In addition to relieving itching, they also soothe the inflammatory processes and contribute to the regeneration of the skin through their cooling and caring effect. Another remedy that is often used is healing earth. By supplying moisture and important vitamins and minerals, it strengthens the basic structure of the skin and promotes the healing of inflamed and reddened skin areas.