Home Remedies for Concentration Disorders

Concentration disorders are time robbers that prevent us from staying with one thing and finishing things. Therefore, it is important, in the case of prolonged lack of concentration, to find a remedy and to help with small tricks of concentration on the jump.

What helps against concentration problems?

Blackberries can increase the ability to concentrate. Often it is quite banal things that lead to unwanted distractions – for example, a running TV or other loud noises. Often it is enough to turn off the machine or close a window. Some days simply lack fresh air, because a lack of oxygen can also lead to concentration problems. A short walk or at least deep breathing in front of an open window helps to collect the thoughts again. Sometimes specific foods are also responsible for the lack of concentration. The old adage “A full belly doesn’t like to study” should be taken to heart by lovers of rich foods, who should instead opt for light meals. Concentration usually wanes particularly after lunch – here the consumption of an apple can help to banish listlessness, because apples are considered to be good energy donors when a performance slump threatens. For children in particular, an apple helps them to concentrate better on their schoolwork, which is often perceived as a chore. Too many sweets in the afternoon, on the other hand, cause restlessness and listlessness, put a strain on the stomach and lead to lack of concentration. Before school and work begin, a hearty breakfast should be eaten. Unsweetened mueslis, whole-grain breads with hearty toppings and a side of chopped fruit make for a good start to the day. Coffee is a good pick-me-up in the early morning, but it should not be drunk too strongly, because otherwise it puts a strain on the stomach and heart. What many don’t know: Blackberries boost concentration with their colorants and fragrances! Spread on bread as jelly or jam for breakfast, they provide mental freshness and a concentrated start to the day.

Quick help

Sometimes quick help is needed for lack of concentration – for example, in the office or at school, when work can not be easily interrupted or even a presentation or class work is coming up. Often, a glass of water is enough to get the mind going again. Students can ask to be allowed to suck on glucose during a class assignment if necessary. Professionals and students should always have an apple or banana in their pockets, as fruit provides a quick energy boost when their minds are in a slump. If the lunch break is spent in the fresh air, body and mind can recover and get going again. A few quick stretching and loosening exercises have proven effective in shaking off lack of concentration. Cold water run over arms and hands boosts circulation. Sometimes just a few drops of cold water quickly pressed to the temples can help. In very hot weather, small ice cubes on the wrists also do the trick.

Alternative remedies

Various remedies have a positive effect on the ability to concentrate. These include selected teas as well as oils and certain herbs – for example, inhaling Japanese mint oil mixed with orange. Mild head pressure can be remedied by rubbing rubbing alcohol on the forehead and temples. There are also teas that increase the ability to concentrate. For example, woodruff tea, which is drunk twice a day, is popular with seniors. To do this, get woodruff herb from the pharmacy and pour two teaspoons of it over a quarter liter of boiling water. Cover and let the drink steep for about a quarter of an hour, strain and drink only when it has cooled down well. Students stressed by exams, who often have to concentrate hard for hours, swear by sage leaves, which are chewed every now and then. Others prefer to sniff basil or eat a few nuts or pistachio nuts. Lavender oil lamps in the room provide a scent that promotes concentration – especially recommended in cold winter months when a window cannot always be opened.