Home Remedies for Depression

Depression is one of the most widespread mental illnesses. However, strong medication is not always necessary, and many people also fear the side effects. For milder forms of depression or against depressive moods, there are a variety of different, well-working home remedies. They have the advantage of being easy to use, as well as being inexpensive and free of side effects.

What helps against depression?

Infographic on the causes and neural reasons for depression. Click image to enlarge. St. John’s wort is one of the better-known remedies in the context of depressive moods. The easiest way to use the herb is in capsule form or as drops, but tea infusions are also a recommended option. The ingredients of St. John’s wort have a mood-lifting and balancing effect on the psyche. However, a “lead time” of about fourteen days must be waited until the herb can develop its full effect. St. John’s wort is not addictive and can be discontinued at any time when the condition has improved. The only disadvantage is that it makes the skin sensitive to light. Therefore, sunbathing should be avoided as much as possible during the time of taking it. But even without taking medication, depression can be favorably influenced. It does not always have to be jogging, because brisk walks in the fresh air can also work wonders. It is important to wear clothing appropriate to the weather and sturdy shoes. And then it is called vigorously stride out! The movement in the fresh air ensures good blood circulation and optimal oxygen supply. This releases endorphins in the brain, which have a mood-lifting effect. The head becomes clear again, dull thoughts disappear and make room for a positive view of the world. The combination of light, oxygen and visual stimuli, combined with light exercise, is optimal for people prone to depressive moods. The whole thing costs nothing and yet is highly effective.

Quick help

Noodles make happy, our grandmothers already knew that. And even with depressive moods, carbohydrate-rich food is a proven aid. Sugary drinks and desserts are real nerve food. Therefore, in the case of depression, all thoughts of diet should initially be left out of the equation. Instead, it may be quiet once a piece of chocolate more. This is because the hormone insulin is released during the digestion of carbohydrate-rich food, which in turn promotes the absorption of the protein building block tryptophan, which is converted to serotonin in the brain. This is the messenger substance that ensures a good mood. Inner peace and balance through yoga and breathing exercises can help with depression. Bananas also fall into the category of foods that can lift mood. Eating these fruits also causes an increase in the level of serotonin in the brain, which releases happiness hormones. Not to mention, bananas have a variety of vitamins and phytochemicals that are exceedingly important for health. Practicing yoga, sensibly supplemented by breathing exercises, can also help to overcome depression. Yoga exercises are suitable for all ages and can be learned quickly and easily in health courses or at adult education centers. Through the physical exercises, which are usually combined with meditation, deep inner peace, balance and harmony can be achieved.

Alternative remedies

As a quick emergency remedies offer essential oils. These are the concentrated ingredients of certain plants obtained by distillation or extraction. The easiest way to use them is in an aroma lamp, where the vapors of the essential oils are released and inhaled by evaporation with water. The effect happens barely perceptible, but should not be underestimated. The absorbed odorants reach the limbic system in the brain directly through the nose. This is one of the developmentally oldest brain regions, it is responsible for the emergence and influence of feelings and can not be influenced with the will. The essential oil of bergamot, a southern fruit, should be mentioned here, because it has a mood-lifting effect and provides a cheerful mood. Lavender oil can be added if nervous restlessness occurs in connection with depression. Lavender oil has a relaxing and calming effect.When using essential oils, look for high-quality residue-controlled grade available at health food stores, health food stores, and pharmacies.