Home Remedies for Hiccups

Everyone has been affected by him in his life, the hiccups. Suddenly he is there and can torment some affected people even for hours. Here many people want a quick and effective help, which are promised by many home remedies. But what home remedies are there at all for combating hiccups and which ones work particularly quickly? Alternative remedies are also popular in the treatment of recurrent hiccups.

What home remedies are there for hiccups?

Simple home remedy for hiccups. Click to enlarge. There are many home remedies that can help against hiccups. For many affected people, it already helps to consciously exercise slow breathing. This should also be regular in order to achieve an optimal improvement. But also a frightening of the affected person should sometimes work wonders. In addition, a tickling of the throat should provide relief. This involves tickling the part of the throat where the hard palate merges with the soft palate. Here, however, one should not apply too much pressure, otherwise a nausea can be triggered at the same time. Particularly popular and well-known is also the holding of the air to fight the hiccups. In this case, the air is to be held until the next hiccup is announced. Exactly at this moment, you should swallow hard. Then it is helpful to take a deep breath and repeat the process a few times so that the hiccups actually disappear. Furthermore, targeted pressure on the chest can also help. To do this, sit down on a chair and bend forward slightly. This position should be maintained for a few minutes to ensure success. Alternatively, you can simply lie on your back and pull your legs towards your body to achieve the same effect. Many affected individuals also swear by a teaspoon of sugar. This sugar lingers in the mouth until it has completely dissolved. Only then is it swallowed. Sucking on a piece of lemon or gargling with cold water also helps many people who suffer from hiccups. In addition, affected persons should not eat things that are too hot or spicy. Fast eating should also be avoided and each meal should be eaten slowly.

Quick help

Which home remedy works particularly quickly against hiccups varies from person to person. Here, everyone must find their own home remedy for themselves that leads to success. For most affected people, the hiccups disappear very quickly on their own again. By a corresponding distraction for example by housework or a television program these persons do not come at all behind it, how their hiccups disappear. Through an appropriate distraction, the muscles relax and the hiccups are no longer given a chance. Nevertheless, there are always people with hiccups for whom quick success is not possible or the hiccups recur at relatively short intervals. But even here, the regular use of home remedies can provide relief after some time.

Alternative remedies

In addition to the many home remedies that help with hiccups, alternative remedies for treatment are also very popular. Among these, the most common alternative remedy to combat hiccups is acupuncture. This is done by a targeted insertion of small needles both in the point Renying and the point Hegu Di. 4. Hereby, many affected people already after the first session a significant improvement takes place. It is also possible to achieve a better and faster result by heating the needles. Acupuncture can help with permanent hiccups. Also an acupressure treatment, which everyone can apply to himself, has already helped many people. For this, one circles with the finger outside under the kneecap on the bone. Alternatively, a finger can be pressed into the hollow below the collarbone. Furthermore, taking homeopathic remedies is also very effective. Especially the remedies Mercurius solubilis, Natrium chloratum, Stramonium and Cocculus are often used.