Home Remedies for Inner Restlessness

With inner restlessness almost everyone has to fight at some point. Often, those affected simply do not know where this feeling comes from and what can be done about it. However, there are definitely some remedies that can help quickly and effectively against it.

What helps against inner restlessness?

Take time and engage with yourself, with yoga you can find inner peace. Before seeking a remedy for inner restlessness, it should be clarified where it actually comes from. Because it can have many causes, if affected persons have to do permanently with it. Stress and pressure to perform in everyday life are probably the most widespread triggers of such complaints. If the symptoms persist, a doctor should be consulted in any case. He or she can determine whether there is an underlying illness that is causing the inner restlessness – for example, depression. If, on the other hand, the circumstances of the person affected lead to this, his or her daily routine should be changed accordingly. In this case, the complaints can already disappear relatively quickly.

Quick help

Herbal medicines such as hawthorn, black nettle and chamomile often help against inner restlessness. These can be taken as a tea or in the form of drops and usually act quickly. Various manufacturers offer special teas to help against the symptoms. Taken in the evening, these usually help those affected to quickly find inner peace. Appropriate nutrition and plenty of exercise in the fresh air prevent such complaints. A lot of sugar, fat, nicotine and alcohol, on the other hand, are dietary components that can tend to promote inner restlessness. Too much of these should therefore be avoided. Also in the range of the homoeopathic means concerned already find helpful possibilities. Not in each case it must be the medicines prescribed by the physician. These should rather only be resorted to if other means or the change of everyday life have not yet brought any improvement. However, there are other ways to combat inner restlessness. A breathing exercise, for example, can also help. Put a hand on your stomach and breathe in and out slowly. Already this often has an internal balancing effect. Such simple relaxation exercises can lead to relief within just a few minutes. By the way, the same applies to tensing the muscles and then letting them relax. As already mentioned, exercise is also good for you. A little jogging, walking or simply going for a walk can alleviate inner restlessness. This also applies to dancing or even cleaning. Laughter is the best medicine, it is often said. This is also a very effective method to get a grip on inner restlessness or to prevent it from arising in the first place. Depending on your preference, listening to relaxing music can also be wonderfully effective against it.

Alternative remedies

Alternative remedies can also be helpful against inner turmoil. One option, for example, is yoga. If needed or desired, yoga can even be learned professionally – in a variety of courses. Some health insurance companies have recognized the health benefits of yoga and therefore reimburse their insured the costs incurred for yoga courses – at least partially. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing method and can provide relief, especially for many psychological problems. If the cause of the restlessness is in this area, acupuncture can make this restlessness disappear completely if used regularly. However, there are different ways of treatment in acupuncture. A consultation can help to find the right method for the affected person. Another possible treatment is acupressure. This is a massage technique using the fingertips. Such a massage has an extremely relaxing effect. It is not uncommon for restlessness to improve after just one treatment. There are a number of different ways to get a grip on inner restlessness. However, each person concerned must find the best option for him or her in order to be able to start a new day relaxed and refreshed after successful treatment. In any case, a doctor should be consulted if the symptoms of the complaints become too strong or do not decrease in the medium to long term.