Home Remedies for Memory Disorders

Almost every person knows it. Just now you knew exactly what you want to do and now it is suddenly gone. Many people suffer from memory disorders and are limited by them in everyday life. Many affected people therefore fall back on old-known home remedies.

What helps against memory disorders?

Walnuts can help with memory disorders and have a stimulating effect. There are many old-known home remedies to help with memory impairment. Especially popular here is the consumption of nuts. Thus, a snack of five walnuts is said to boost the thinking process and a significant improvement takes place after just a few days. Regarding the consumption of nuts a popular game prevails among affected persons. Here, 25 days in a row, one nut more and more is consumed. When the maximum number is reached on the 25th day, the game starts all over again. Running backwards is also possible here and promotes the thinking process by adhering to the rules of the game. The nuts additionally unfold their stimulating effect. Broccoli is also finding more and more followers. By glucosinolates, Carotinoide, the iron and the calcium the concentration ability is strengthened and can prevent a forgetting. Furthermore, peppers, milk and soy products can also achieve the same effect. Cooking with linseed or rapeseed oil is also very helpful. The vitamin B 12 strengthens the memory performance. Memory disorders often occur due to stress. Therefore, this should be avoided if possible, if one suffers from forgetfulness. Short breaks at work or relaxing with friends can quickly remedy the situation. In addition, nicotine, alcohol and other drugs should be avoided. These attack the memory and contribute to forgetting things. Many affected people rave about sage oil capsules. These are available in the pharmacy and are taken daily. The thinking process is stimulated by the ingredients and can be kick-started with targeted exercises. Simple mental games such as remembering telephone numbers, the food of the last few days or simply a daily memory game are suitable for this. Also good for memory is nettle tea, which should be drunk for at least two weeks.

Quick help

A memory disorder cannot be fixed overnight. This requires some time and especially patience. Only with a regular application of exercises and behaviors can a memory disorder be effectively treated. For this purpose, each affected person must find his own home remedy with which he can best go about his daily life. For some, a small change in eating habits is enough, while others need to perform memory exercises for weeks to achieve any success at all. Here it is especially important to stay on the ball and to apply the home remedies regularly. Only in this way can memory impairment be contained and alleviated. In the case of extreme memory loss after an accident or severe forgetfulness that occurs repeatedly despite home remedies, a doctor should be consulted for safety. Only he can determine whether there is a serious disease behind the memory disorders.

Alternative remedies

For the treatment of a memory disorder, alternative remedies are increasingly used. Homeopathic remedies are particularly popular. Very proven in the treatment of a memory disorder have the homeopathic remedies cyclamen, ginseng, Helleborus niger, Colchicum, Conium macalatum, Delphinium Staphisagria and Hamamelis virginica. Schüssler salts have also become established as alternative remedies and are inspiring more and more affected individuals. The application takes place here internally in the form of tablets. The Schüssler salts No. 5 Kalium Phosphoricum, No. 12 Calcium Sulfuricum, No. 13 Kalium arsenicosum, No. 17 Manganum sulfuricum and No. 21 Zincum chloratum are used. A simultaneous acupuncture treatment can greatly improve the effect and is usually strongly recommended by alternative practitioners.