Home Remedies for Nausea

Nausea can be caused by various causes. A gastrointestinal disease can be as much a trigger as food intolerances, stomach irritation, nervousness or pregnancy. To alleviate nausea, numerous home remedies have proven particularly effective.

What helps against nausea?

A freshly prepared sage tea has stomach-soothing properties and is therefore a good choice for nausea. Because of its soothing effect on the stomach, gruel boiled with water is an effective remedy. The same applies to boiled carrots: In acute cases, they can be consumed in small quantities throughout the day. A crushed apple often proves helpful – this should already have turned a little brown before consumption. Last but not least, a mashed banana can also help to combat the discomfort. Those suffering from nausea should avoid carbonated drinks, coffee and alcohol. Instead, peppermint, fennel or chamomile tea can be resorted to. Sage tea has also been proven to calm the stomach, as has diluted black tea. Ginger tea can also provide relief, as the active ingredient gingerol contained in ginger absorbs excess acids in the stomach. If the nausea is pregnancy-related, however, this tea should not be consumed. If ginger is consumed in large quantities, labor may begin prematurely. To prevent nausea, spicy or fatty foods should be avoided. If high-fat foods cannot be avoided, it may help to season them with cumin to stimulate digestion. A decoction prepared with crushed caraway seeds can also provide relief, especially if the nausea is caused by a feeling of fullness. In addition, nicotine should be avoided as much as possible, as it can irritate the stomach as well.

Quick help

A quick remedy for nausea is fresh air. For example, a walk can be taken, provided that the opportunity exists and the health condition allows exercise. Sometimes it also helps just to open a window. In sudden and acute cases, it is advisable to lie down. If the symptoms are accompanied by dizziness, the legs should be elevated. Additional relief can be provided by a damp, cold washcloth placed on the forehead. Furthermore, chewing a slice of ginger can also provide quick relief. If the stomach is irritated by excess stomach acid, it is recommended to eat a dry slice of white bread. Rusk and crispbread also help to absorb excess stomach acid. White bread and rusks are also well tolerated, which additionally soothes the stomach. The discomfort can be further relieved by salt sticks or crackers. Many sufferers drink lukewarm cola when feeling nauseous. However, it should already be free of carbonic acid. Nausea can also be combated by applying a compress soaked in lemon juice or fruit vinegar to the stomach area. This method is especially effective if abdominal pain or cramps occur at the same time. A calming effect is also said to lavender baths. However, it can already help to smell a freshly cut lemon.

Alternative remedies

Alternatively, some homeopathic remedies can also be used. These include Aethusa (dog parsley), Camphora (camphor), Robinia (black locust) and Sanguinaria (Canadian bloodroot). Used internally, healing clay can also help relieve nausea. The best way to do this is to dissolve a tablespoon of the earth in warm water and then drink it. Nausea can also be combated by acupressure. The corresponding points, located for example on the inside of the wrist or below the kneecap, are first pressed and massaged vigorously for one to two minutes on one side with the thumb or index finger. The procedure is then repeated on the other side. If the nausea is due to nervousness, it can be combated by autogenic training. Yoga can also help to alleviate it, as it generally helps to reduce stress. Last but not least, this is also considered a cause of nausea. However, if the symptoms cannot be alleviated by home remedies, homeopathic remedies or alternative methods, a doctor should be consulted. This also applies if the symptoms persist for several days or are chronic.