Home remedies for pneumonia

Introduction – home remedies for pneumonia

Pneumonia is a serious disease which, depending on the age of the person affected, can also cause serious complications. In industrialized countries, pneumonia is even considered the most deadly infectious disease due to these serious consequences. Therefore, if you have pneumonia, you should definitely seek medical advice for treatment.

At an advanced age it is even common to treat pneumonia in hospital so that an immediate intensified therapy can be started if complications occur. However, with all the modern therapeutic possibilities, the home remedies in the treatment of pneumonia should not be underestimated. If used correctly, they can make a valuable contribution to alleviating the symptoms. You are suffering from pneumonia and would like to find out how you can best survive the disease.

These home remedies can be used in case of pneumonia

In the case of pneumonia, household remedies can be used to alleviate symptoms and thus have a positive influence on the recovery process. The most important household remedy is any kind of liquid. This can be absorbed particularly well in the form of water, juices, teas and soups.

Especially juices, such as carrot juice, often contain many vitamins and minerals that strengthen the body. Teas often contain plants with anti-inflammatory effects. Essential oils, which are best absorbed as steam inhalation in the case of pneumonia, also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Some of the oils can also have an antibacterial effect and thus combat pneumonia. In addition, spices and herbs are often used as household remedies for pneumonia, as they too usually contain anti-inflammatory agents. A list of all remedies is provided below, and you can read the effect of each medicinal plant in the respective article: Overview of the medicinal plants

Calf compresses for pneumonia

Calf compresses are the typical household remedy for fever. For this, compresses that have been dipped in a cool liquid are wrapped around the calves. This helps the body to reduce the fever.

These calf compresses are most useful for bacterial pneumonia. In this infection the fever rises very high, so that the body can benefit from a reduction in temperature. In contrast, in atypical (viral) pneumonia, the fever rarely rises above 38.5°C.

Therefore calf compresses are usually not necessary in this case. In order to support the body in the right phases, calf compresses should only be used when the fever is just falling. The affected person is then usually heavily sweating.

With the help of the calf compresses, the temperature can be lowered faster than the body could do it alone. If the temperature rises, however, calf compresses should not be used. Other methods can also be helpful in lowering the fever.