Home Remedies for Teething Children

If you want to resort to time-tested home remedies, it is best to offer your baby unsweetened, anti-inflammatory chamomile tea. Violet roots and amber necklaces, on the other hand, are not advised. Violet roots – used like a teething ring – are usually not sufficiently cleaned and can easily lead to inflammation of irritated baby gums. In the case of amber necklaces, which are supposed to have a calming effect and help with teething pain, there is a risk that the child will strangle himself. Or that the chain breaks and it swallows the little stones.

Care at the first bite

Once the first flashing teeth are there, it’s time to start caring for them: the earlier children get used to it, the more natural it will be later on. Until the second birthday, it is enough to brush the teeth in the evening with a children’s toothbrush and a blob of children’s toothpaste (fluoride content no more than 0.05 percent). For the first little teeth, finger toothbrushes from the pharmacy are recommended.

How to recognize that children are teething

  • The baby sleeps poorly, cries and cries more often and is grumpy.
  • It tries to chew on its own fist.
  • It has no appetite, but more active digestion.
  • His cheeks are noticeably red and hot.
  • The gums are swollen, red and sensitive.
  • The baby drools more than usual.