Home remedies | Pus in a wound

Home remedies

Home remedies are widely used in the treatment of skin wounds. One household remedy that has become increasingly important in recent years and has become an integral part of alternative medicine is honey. The exact effect of honey is still not explained in detail, but honey creates an acidic millieu in the wound, which damages bacteria and reduces their reproduction rate.

It is important here however that one uses natural honey, after unique heating the honey loses already its healing effect. An equally popular and for centuries known household remedy for wound treatment is chamomile. Camomile also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Gently rinsing or lightly sprinkling chamomile tea on the wound results in natural cleansing and anti-inflammatory prophylaxis. There are many other household remedies known for wound treatment, many of which certainly have a great effect. However, if a wound is heavily colonized with pus and has a strong inflammatory reaction, a doctor should be consulted to be able to treat a possible severe course in time.

Should pus always be expressed?

Pus should never be expressed by a layman. By manipulating the pressure on the wound, other bacteria from the hands or surrounding skin can enter the wound and further increase the infection. Further cells in the already irritated tissue are also damaged and this increases the inflammatory reaction.If a wound is heavily covered with pus, it is always indicated to have it cleaned by a specialist under sterile conditions to prevent the infection from worsening.

When do I need to see a doctor?

Basically, you do not have to go to the doctor with every festering wound. A careful wound treatment with regular dressing changes and cleaning of the wound can also be carried out at home. If, however, the infection worsens, there is increased pus, redness, swelling or even pain, a doctor should be consulted. Chronically ill people, especially those with a metabolic disorder that could have a negative influence on wound healing, should also consult a doctor at an early stage to obtain an assessment of the wound conditions and treatment options.