Home remedies | Swollen nasal mucosa

Home remedies

The causes of persistent swollen nasal mucosa can be very different. Various household remedies are available for treatment, such as essential oils for inhalation or a 0.9% saline solution with which one can perform a nasal rinse. You can make this nasal rinsing yourself.

For this you need common salt, which can be found in every kitchen, and a bottle that has a suitable opening to attach it to the nostril. This can also be bought as a finished product. It is important for the self-production that you follow the instructions exactly to get the right salt concentration.

Instructions can be given to any pharmacist or ear, nose and throat doctor. If you prefer to use essential oils, you can use tea tree, cajeput or eucalyptus. If you put a few drops of it on an aroma lamp, this not only provides a pleasant smell, but also helps with blocked noses by swollen nasal mucous membranes.

Furthermore, it can also help to smell a cut onion several times a day, which not only causes watery eyes in most people, but also has a decongesting effect on the nasal mucous membrane. The cause of a swollen nasal mucous membrane can also be dry air. Here it can help to humidify the room air. For this purpose, it may be sufficient to hang up moist towels in the room. There are also many variants of humidifiers to buy, which you can even use with essential oils.


In the case of a swollen nasal mucosa, various substances from the circle of homeopathy are also available. As globules among others Allium cepa D12, Euphrasia D12, Kalium bichromicum D12, Sambucus nigra D12, all 5 globules 3 times a day. WALA Nose Balm, which is also based on natural ingredients, is also suitable for external use.

Nasal drops and nasal rinses can also be used as a support here. Here too, however, it is important to know the cause of the swollen nasal mucosa and, if the condition lasts longer than average or is particularly persistent, to consult a doctor for ear, nose and throat medicine (ENT doctor). This doctor can diagnose the complaints more precisely, since other diseases can also be hidden behind a swollen nasal mucous membrane.