Home remedy against cough

Synonyms in a broader sense

Tussis, Reizhusten, Hustenreiz engl. : to coughThe best known naturopathic remedy for coughs that is also recommended by conventional medicine is hot milk with honey, which should be drunk before sleeping to suppress the cough. As cough teas, preparations with fennel, thyme, yew root, lungwort and valerian are used.

Chocolate would also be a remedy for cough, which you can buy in any grocery store. In the next article you will learn how helpful this is: Chocolate for coughEucalyptus, peppermint, sandalwood, tea tree or thyme oil are recommended as ingestible or inhaled oils. It is also recommended that a few drops of eucalyptus, peppermint or tea tree oil be dripped on the pillow or rubbed into the chest before sleeping.

Three or four drops of tea tree or peppermint oil can also be dissolved in honey and taken to minimize acute coughing. However, this combination should only be taken twice a day. Morning and evening would be recommended here.

Pain in the chest, which can occur due to prolonged coughing periods, can be relieved by a chest massage with massage oil, in which tea tree oil should also be dissolved. There is also a recommendation that one to three drops of vinegar should be sprinkled on the pillow when coughing. The use of vinegar wraps, which are actually known for the treatment of sore throats, should also help to relieve acute coughs.

A drink of water, honey and vinegar should, if taken twice a day, reduce the formation of mucus in the bronchi caused by coughing. Furthermore, alternative medicine recommends the intake of numerous dietary supplements and minerals to boost the immune system. However, the actual effect is very controversial.

Homeopathy recommends the intake of Hepar Sulfuris for coughs. Hepar Sulfuris is recommended for convulsive, barking coughs that worsen in cold weather and in the morning hours. If it is more of a night-time cough, Aconitum should be taken.

If coughing attacks occur in the form of overexertion in colds, homeopathy recommends taking Causticum Hahnemanni. If the throat is dry, rough and the cough is hollow-sounding, Drosera should rather be taken. If the cough is rough and flu-like accompanying symptoms, therapy with Bryonia is recommended.

Before the cough is properly erupted, the immune system should be prophylactically treated by taking Echinacea. In addition, the following remedies are also used for homeopathic cough control:

  • Sticta
  • Rumex crispus
  • Spongia
  • Hyoscyamus

A baby that has reached the age of one year can be treated with radish cough syrup, for example. This household remedy can be produced easily and quickly by the parents of the affected baby.

While making this household remedy, a lid must be cut off the fresh radish and the vegetables hollowed out with a spoon. Then the radish must be filled with honey or candy and closed with the lid. After a reaction time of about two to three hours, the finished cough syrup can be removed from the radish and stored in a container in a cool place.

For acute coughs, a child or baby who has reached the age of one can be treated with a teaspoon of radish cough syrup about three to four times a day. This household remedy for coughs may also only be used on a child or baby who has reached the age of one year. When making this home remedy for cough, an onion must be chopped as finely as possible and mixed with honey.

Afterwards about 1/8 (125ml) liter of water should be added. To activate the necessary active ingredients, the mixture must be heated and simmered for about 10 minutes on a low flame. After a reaction time of three to four hours, the onion-honey mixture can be thoroughly filtered through a clean gauze cloth.

The child or baby suffering from acute cough can be treated with a teaspoon of onion-cough juice about three to five times a day. Initial success with this household remedy usually occurs after only a few applications. The advantage of this household remedy is the fact that it can also be used on a baby younger than one year.Parents of the affected child or baby must make a tea before use: A child or baby affected by an acute cough receives approximately 30 ml of this household remedy several times a day.

It is particularly helpful to administer the tea in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening before going to bed.

  • 20 g thyme herb
  • 20 g marshmallow roots
  • 15 g ribwort herb
  • 10 g fennel fruits
  • 10 g of Icelandic moss and
  • Brew 10 g liquorice root.

This household remedy can also be used without hesitation on a child or baby who has not yet reached the age of one year. When administering expectorant medicines for acute coughs, it should be noted that the secretion in the respiratory tract is coughed up shortly after taking the medicine.

For this reason, use shortly before going to bed can lead to the sleep of the affected child being interrupted by the cough. For the production of this household remedy the parents of an affected child or baby should brew a tea from:. A baby suffering from an acute cough can receive about 50ml of this household remedy several times a day.

A child who has already reached the age of one year receives about one cup of cough tea throughout the day.

  • 30 g primrose blossoms
  • 10 g mullein herb
  • 20 g aniseed fruits and
  • 40 g quendel herb

Special herbal mixtures can also be used as a home remedy for coughs even in a small child or baby. Above all, special Andorn herbal mixtures should help to relieve the symptoms of the affected child quickly and effectively.

The common herbal mixtures contain andorn herb, fennel and dill herb. Since this household remedy is not accepted by many children due to its intensive taste, it is recommended to boil up a tea from the mixture before use and sweeten it with honey and/or rock candy. Since many of the persons concerned do not want to take potent medicines immediately when coughing, honey is one of the most popular household remedies for acute cold complaints.

Hot milk with honey belongs in this connection to the probably most well-known household remedies. While honey is usually not very helpful for productive coughs (cough with sputum). Hot milk with honey can help to effectively relieve the symptoms of a dry cough.

However, caution is advised when using this old household remedy. Although honey can also calm the throat during a productive cough, milk should be avoided. The reason for this is that milk contains certain ingredients that stimulate the production of mucus and can thus aggravate the cough with sputum.

Persons who suffer from dry coughs, however, can use this household remedy completely without hesitation. The effectiveness of hot milk with honey is mainly due to the ingredients of honey. For this reason, honey as a household remedy can also be taken pure or dissolved in warm tea if required.

Already short time after the application the strength-sapping cough attacks decrease clearly. People who want to use this household remedy with hot milk should boil up about a quarter of a liter of milk in a pot and add one to two tablespoons of honey. The hot drink must then cool down slightly over a period of five to ten minutes.

Hot milk with honey should always be drunk in small sips as a household remedy against coughing. Hot milk with honey should ideally be used shortly before going to bed. In this way, sleep is less frequently interrupted by coughing attacks and the immune system is effectively strengthened.

When using this household remedy, however, it should be noted that honey products should not be given to a baby who has not yet reached the age of one year. The reason for this is that raw natural products such as honey may contain bacteria that can lead to life-threatening diseases in the baby. The onion is also one of the most popular household remedies for the typical cold.

Both cough and sore throat, as well as earache can be effectively relieved by using the onion. The reason for the effectiveness of this household remedy is the anti-inflammatory substances contained in the onion. Especially the ingredients biotin, vitamin C, potassium and flavonoid can help to relieve cold symptoms within a short time.While so-called “onion sacks” can be used for earache, the juice of the onion reliably helps against sore throat and cough.

Although the taste of this household remedy may take some getting used to at first, the onion juice is considered a true miracle cure for colds. Affected persons should squeeze the onion before use and mix the juice with some honey. After a short time of application the mixture can be drunk in small sips.

In addition, regular consumption of onions can help to prevent colds. Especially in the cold months, small amounts of this household remedy should always be added to the food. In this way the onion can help to strengthen the body’s own immune system and effectively prevent coughs and sore throats.

Ginger is a popular household remedy, especially for severe coughs. The effectiveness of this household remedy is based on the substances contained in the ginger root, which have both pain-relieving and immune-boosting effects. To make this household remedy, about two to three centimeters of fresh ginger root must be separated, peeled and cut into small cubes.

Afterwards these ginger cubes have to be boiled up in a 3⁄4 liter of water. The finished broth can be put through a sieve into a drinking cup and sweetened with a little honey as desired. The addition of honey also has a pain-relieving effect on the irritated pharyngeal mucosa.

In this context, however, it must be noted that honey may only be added to ginger tea a short time before consumption. Otherwise the honey loses its pain-relieving properties when it is boiled. To achieve the best effectiveness, ginger tea should be drunk as hot as possible during acute coughs. With regular use of this household remedy (about two to three cups a day), first successes can be noticed the very next day.