Home remedy against earwax | Earwax

Home remedy against earwax

There is a wide range of home remedies for cleaning the ears. Some of them differ greatly in their effectiveness, usefulness and safety. Ear rinsing is a proven and safe means of cleaning the auditory canal.

Sometimes it is recommended to perform it with the addition of different oils. For olive oil this has been tested in clinical studies. No clear advantage over body-warm water could be found.

Whether other oils work better has not been proven so far. Another method for cleaning the ear is the use of an ear candle. These are thin hollow candles that are inserted into the ear canal and then ignited.

Their use for cleaning the ear canals is not recommended. On the one hand, the cleaning effect is demonstrably low and on the other hand, there is a risk of injury to the face and ears, especially when used improperly. The American Food and Drug Administration even warns explicitly against their use.

The ear candle is a funnel-shaped, hollow tube made of beeswax, which is mixed with essential oils or plant components, depending on the manufacturer. The ear candle should be inserted with the thin end into the outer ear canal without pressure and lit at the upper end. The negative pressure created by the combustion effect at the lower end and the warm air rising in the tube due to the slight chimney effect should have a cleansing effect on the ear and also promote pressure regulation in the inner ear and sinuses.

The ear candle is said to have a relaxing effect due to the mild warmth and the crackling that is produced when it burns down. However, the assumption that ear candles can contribute to the gentle cleaning of the ear is wrong. Neither the suction effect at the lower end of the candle nor the chimney effect inside it is sufficient to clean the outer ear canal of earwax.

On the contrary: models without a built-in filter can even contribute to closing the ear canal by dripping wax into it. In addition, the ear canal or the face can be damaged. Due to the risk of injury and the low benefit of ear candles compared to other methods, it is better to refrain from using them.