Home remedy against heartburn

Heartburn is a burning pain behind the breastbone caused by the backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus. Since the gastric juice is very acidic, the mucous membrane of the esophagus is irritated and causes the discomfort, which is often accompanied by a feeling of pressure. Heartburn is more common after eating, as this leads to increased production of gastric juice.

It is also called reflux and can lead to reflux disease if it occurs repeatedly. Triggers of heartburn are weak muscles of the esophagus, as well as increased stomach pressure. If it occurs occasionally, heartburn is usually not dangerous. However, reflux disease can be accompanied by complications. It is therefore important that the correct treatment is chosen.

These household remedies are used

The following household remedies can be used against heartburn:

  • Sodium hydrogen carbonate
  • Chewing gum
  • Drinking water
  • Potato press juice
  • Teas

application: Sodium bicarbonate of soda can be purchased in the drugstore or pharmacy. Alternatively baking soda can be used. One teaspoon of this can be drunk daily dissolved in water.

Effect: Sodium bicarbonate has a neutralizing effect on the acidity of the gastric juice. This can balance the acid-base balance in the stomach and relieve the symptoms of heartburn. What must be considered?

Since a certain acidity of the gastric juice is very important for digestion, the household remedy should always be used for a short period of time and only in small doses. In case of any uncertainties, consultation with a pharmacist is recommended. For which diseases does the household remedy also help?

Sodium bicarbonate of soda can also help with urinary tract infections. Directions for use: Regular chewing of chewing gum can be helpful for heartburn. Alternatively, sweets or other pastilles can be sucked, but they should remain in the mouth as long as possible.

Effect: Chewing chewing gum stimulates the salivary glands in the mouth. It comes to an increase in the production of saliva in the mouth, whereby the acidity of the stomach can be somewhat neutralized. What must be considered?

When chewing gum, care should be taken to ensure that it is not swallowed afterwards. When sucking sweets, the teeth should be brushed afterwards. For which diseases does the household remedy also help?

There are certain types of chewing gum that can also help with colds. How to use it: For drinking water for heartburn it is best to drink lukewarm, non-carbonated water. Alternatively, chamomile tea can also be drunk.

Effect: Drinking water helps to dilute the acidic gastric juice in heartburn. This reduces the irritating effect of the gastric juice on the mucous membrane of the esophagus. What must be considered?

Drinking carbonated water should be avoided, as this can increase the symptoms. For which diseases does the household remedy also help? Drinking water is also very important in case of flu or a cold.

How to use it: To use pressed potato juice, a few potatoes are peeled and either juiced or grated and pressed into a bowl with a kitchen towel. Effect: The pressed potato juice works against heartburn by protecting the stomach from possible pathogens that can increase the symptoms. Also the slightly alkaline effect to neutralize the stomach acid helps against heartburn.

What do you need to know? The potatoes should not have any rotten or unripe parts. For which diseases does the household remedy also help?

Potato press juice can also help with stomach inflammation. Application: There are different teas that are suitable for heartburn. These include mint tea, camomile tea, caraway tea, nettle tea or melissa tea.

Effect: The tea has a calming effect on the stomach. The warmth helps to alleviate pain and the herbal ingredients have a relaxing effect. Thus the complaints can be reduced.

What do you have to consider? Drinking black tea should be avoided, as this can additionally irritate the stomach. For which diseases does the household remedy also help? Teas are helpful for numerous other illnesses, such as colds, sore throats or inflammation of the sinuses.