Home remedy for abscess on the neck | Home remedy against an abscess

Home remedy for abscess on the neck

In the case of an abscess on the neck, it is important to refrain from squeezing and squeezing, as it can be dangerous to open the abscess inwards due to the many pathways running through it: If the purulent inflammation of the abscess moves there, sepsis (“blood poisoning”) can be the result in the worst case. It is better to soften the abscess from the outside and treat it with disinfectant. All anti-inflammatory and “pulling” home remedies are suitable, such as warm slices of onion or white cabbage, tea tree oil, quark or healing earth compresses.

Healing earth can of course also be applied to the affected skin area without an envelope. Warm or ideally hot chamomile tea can soften the abscess and thus provoke it to open outwards (!) by soaking a cotton cloth with it and softening the abscess for several minutes.

Home remedy for the abscess in the armpit

Like the groin area, the armpit is predestined for the recurring occurrence of abscesses: On the one hand, it represents a skin fold that becomes moist and warm more often and can thus promote bacterial growth; on the other hand, it is subject to constant shaving due to fashion, which means that the hair roots are usually more prone to inflammation. As in the intimate area, it is advisable not to shave or to use some tea tree oil after shaving. Clothing that sits tightly in the armpits should also be avoided during the period of the abscess or in case of frequently recurring abscesses.