Home remedy for acne hubs | Household remedy against acne

Home remedy for acne hubs

For the treatment of acne scars, which are often left behind when acne heals, there are various home remedies.

  • Lemon juice lightens the scar tissue, which is related to the pH value, among other things. Sunlight should be avoided when using the lemon, as the skin becomes more sensitive to it.
  • Chamomile is also a proven household remedy used for acne scars. The reason for this is its antispectic effect, which means that the tissue is freed from any residual germs. For this purpose, the camomile flowers can be infused with hot water and the broth can be applied with the help of a washcloth after cooling down.

How often and how long should I use the household remedies?

How often and how long the household remedies should be used depends on the severity of the acne. As soon as the symptoms improve, the number of applications should be reduced. In the case of honey, for example, this means that a weekly application is recommended.

  • With apple vinegar it is important that it is not used more than 3 times a day.
  • A honey mask can be applied every other day.
  • A steam bath can also be used 3 times a day.

Home remedies as sole measure or supportive therapy?

Whether the home remedies are suitable as the sole therapy depends on the nature of the acne symptoms. In the case of simple forms and low severity, home remedies can certainly be tested as the sole treatment. This is especially a possibility if the acne only appears on the face and the pimples are simple pimples. If pustules or other inflammations also occur, household remedies are more effective as a supportive therapy. If the acne does not respond to home remedies alone, another form of therapy should be used.

Acne on the back

For many, acne also occurs beside the face in the area of the back. This is due to the fact that there are also many sebaceous glands here. The same household remedies and homeopathic remedies that can also be used for acne on the face help against acne on the back.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the correct clothing, because acne on the back can be promoted by contact and rubbing against various materials. Therefore, it should be tried to avoid synthetic clothing. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that the skin of the back is regularly exposed to fresh air.