Home remedy for gastritis C | Gastritis type C

Home remedy for gastritis C

In gastritis type C, in contrast to types A and B, there is no autoimmune reaction and no inflammation caused by the pathogen that causes the damage to the mucous membrane in the stomach. In the vast majority of cases, the acid concentration is too high, which is often self-inflicted due to eating habits or self-supplied stimulants. This makes the therapy easier than for stomach inflammation of another type.

Even a change in eating or living habits with omission of the risk factors is often enough to let the inflammation subside and heal. In addition, simple household remedies can have a gentle effect on the stomach and help it to heal the inflammation. Natural remedies of any kind, which most people have in the cupboard at home, can be very soothing for the irritated stomach. These include some types of tea, which in the form of the hot drink can have a double calming effect. Green tea, linseed and water instead of coffee and alcohol have been shown to reduce the risk of gastritis and statistically also protect against stomach cancer.

Healing of gastritis C

The duration of the healing process depends strongly on the stage of the inflammation. A cure is very likely in gastritis type C. The inflammation here is rarely as persistent as in pronounced gastritis A or B. In the case of severe and long-lasting inflammation, damage to the mucous membrane up to the ulcer can also occur in the context of gastritis type C. The therapy itself usually takes between 1-3 weeks.

During this period, the drugs create a less acidic environment and offer the mucosal cells of the stomach the opportunity to let the inflammation subside. The pain, loss of appetite and the feeling of pressure in the stomach should subside within a few days to a few weeks. In the case of more severe damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach, the discomfort can continue for weeks to months. Under certain circumstances, an ulcer can heal by itself within 2-3 months. However, after administration of the medication, this period can be reduced to 1-3 weeks.