Home remedy for heartburn during pregnancy | Heartburn during pregnancy

Home remedy for heartburn during pregnancy

Some pregnant women deliberately refrain from taking medication during pregnancy unless it is absolutely necessary. Some household remedies also help against heartburn during pregnancy. One household remedy that almost always helps with stomach problems is drinking tea.

Soothing herbs such as chamomile, fennel or aniseed can help to soothe the irritated mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus and thus relieve the burning pain. You can either make the tea yourself with the appropriate herbs from the garden or simply use purchased tea. In the short term, a sip of milk helps against heartburn.

However, pregnant women must make sure that the milk is pasteurized. Furthermore, milk is not suitable for the long-term “treatment” of heartburn, as it usually contains too much fat. Another household remedy against heartburn is various vegetable juices.

First and foremost, potato juice should be mentioned here. Potatoes contain a lot of starch, which helps to neutralize the stomach acid a little. Carrot juice helps some patients who suffer from heartburn just as well.Healing earth and herbal preparations for stomach complaints can be bought in pharmacies, and the pharmacist or family doctor can advise pregnant women if they are not sure whether they can take the remedies without hesitation.

odbrennenNatron is considered a helpful and very old household remedy for the treatment of heartburn. This is due to the fact that soda neutralizes acid. In the case of heartburn, the use of sodium bicarbonate relieves the symptoms because the caustic effect of the acid that causes the pain is relieved.

Sodium bicarbonate of soda can be bought in the pharmacy, but many people also take simple baking powder which they dissolve in a little water and then drink slowly. A disadvantage of baking soda, however, is that it increases the formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract and can therefore increase the pressure in the stomach. This in turn can lead to unpleasant upper abdominal complaints.

In general, although sodium bicarbonate can be taken during pregnancy, it is not recommended. If heartburn is bothersome, a change in diet should therefore be made first. If this is not sufficient, the attending physician should be consulted, who can recommend further remedies to relieve the symptoms.