Home remedy for nail fungus


Nail mycosis, onychomycosis, tinea unguium


The term nail fungus describes a fungal infection (dermatophytosis) that can occur on both toenails and fingernails (nail fungus on the finger).


Nail fungus is caused by various thread and shoot fungi. In most cases a colonization of the genus Trichophyton rubrum can be detected in affected persons. In addition, yeast or molds can also lead to the development of nail fungus.


The typical pathogens of fungal infections of the hands and feet (especially the nails) attach themselves to the keratin found on the skin, hair and nails. Furthermore, moist and warm body regions are the ideal habitat for fungi. Accordingly, the pathogens prefer to settle on the toes, the interdigital spaces, the groin, the armpits and other skin folds.

At exactly these places the humid-warm “climate” ensures that the fungus can multiply and spread. Especially in the area of the feet, a nail fungus often develops on the floor of a common athlete’s foot infection. However, nail fungus can also be caused by a direct infection of the nails.

Especially public swimming pools, saunas, fitness studios, showers or changing rooms are contaminated with various fungal spores. Patients who are frequently in such places and do not regularly disinfect their hands and feet can quickly become infected with nail fungus. In addition, it can be proven that especially patients suffering from diabetes mellitus or circulatory disorders often suffer from nail fungus.

The risk of a fungal infection also increases with age. This fact is due to the fact that the decreasing immune activity of the organism makes it more susceptible to pathogens. In addition, a large number of medications have a promoting influence on the spread of fungal infections.

The transmission of the pathogen responsible for nail fungus on fingernails and toenails is usually transmitted by means of smear or contact infection. This can happen directly from person to person or via shared objects. The presence of nail fungus is not usually evident immediately after infection.

The underlying pathogens colonize the skin and the nail, often without causing symptoms at first. Especially in the advanced stage of the infection, however, strong symptoms appear. The most common signs of the presence of nail fungus are

  • White or yellow discoloration of the nail
  • White, yellow or grey-brown spots on the nail substance
  • Thickening of the nail plate
  • Shiny nails
  • Fragility of the nail

Drugs used for the treatment of nail fungus are usually only available on prescription from a pharmacy.

In addition, the costs of such drugs can be very high. For this reason many affected persons swear by the use of simple household remedies. These household remedies are both cheaper and much better tolerated than comparable drugs.

In addition, many common household remedies against nail fungus bribe by their simple and user-friendly applicability. Apple vinegar is one of the most popular household remedies for the treatment of nail fungus. Since it is easy to obtain, or generally available in many households, it enjoys great popularity among those affected.

Furthermore, the actual application of this product is quite simple: The mechanism of action of apple vinegar is based on its fungicidal properties. Basically, however, any type of vinegar can be chosen for the treatment of nail fungus. Also a foot bath in apple vinegar can fight the nail fungus by increasing the blood circulation and thus promote the healing process.

The use of apple vinegar as a household remedy should be carried out once a day for about one to two weeks. Only in this way can the affected nail grow back healthy. First improvements of the nail picture can already be expected after a few days.

  • Before applying to the affected nail, dilute the apple vinegar with ordinary tap water at a ratio of 1:1.
  • Soak a clean cloth or piece of cloth in the apple vinegar-water solution.
  • Apply evenly and generously to the infected nail. There is no danger to the surrounding skin even if it comes into contact with the solution.
  • Dry the nail thoroughly (deprives the causative fungus of its habitat necessary for reproduction).
  • Always put on fresh socks after use to prevent the spread of germs.

Especially tea tree and lavender oil are suitable for the quick, easy and effective treatment of fungal infections of the nails. Both oils unfold their effect due to a strong antifungal (fungicidal) effect.

Furthermore, neither tea tree nor lavender oil has any relevant side effects, as they do not contain any chemical ingredients. The application of both oils as household remedies for nail fungus usually takes only a few minutes. Differently than with the use of apple vinegar a dilution with tap water is not necessary here.

The affected person should dip a clean cloth or a cotton ball into the oil solution and then spread generously on the infected nail. In order to effectively eliminate the nail fungus and guarantee the regrowth of a healthy nail, the application of the oil should be repeated about three to four times a day for a week. Already on the third day a first improvement of the nail picture can be observed.

If the nail fungus infection does not subside within 2 weeks despite regular application of the oil, a doctor must be consulted in any case. Ordinary baking powder is probably one of the most promising home remedies for self-therapy of nail fungus. A further advantage of this product is the fact that baking powder is probably to be found in every household.

Still before the first application this household remedy should be mixed in a small bowl with tap water. As soon as a viscous mass has developed, the application can begin. With the help of a clean cloth or swab, the affected person can apply the viscous mass to the infected nail.

However, the baking powder method for the treatment of nail fungus is not effective after a single application. Over a period of at least one week, the nail should be completely coated several times a day. A medical explanation for the effect or an exact mechanism of action of the baking powder is unfortunately not known so far.

Also the application of own urine (more precisely the application of medium jet urine) is considered to be an effective household remedy to eliminate the annoying nail fungus. By applying to the infected nail area, the growth of the fungus can be inhibited and its spread stopped. Most patients are not comfortable using urine for medical purposes.

Nevertheless, it must be said that medium jet urine in particular can have proven effects in many medical fields. Especially in the early stages nail fungus can be completely eliminated by contact with medium jet urine. With nail fungus in advanced stages, however, a therapeutic success cannot be guaranteed.

Garlic can be used in two ways as a household remedy for the occurrence of nail fungus:

  • When consuming garlic or garlic-containing food, the nail fungus can be cooked from the inside out. The affected patient can either eat the garlic raw or squeeze it into a juice and drink it afterwards. Furthermore, garlic is also considered helpful in many systemic diseases.
  • In case of particularly severe fungal infestation, the juice of garlic can be applied additionally to the affected areas.

    The first successes of the treatment can be seen after only a few days.

Magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) can also be used to treat nail fungus. The disadvantage of this household remedy is the fact that very few households have Epsom salts in stock. Nevertheless, it can be bought cheaply in most pharmacies and drugstores.

Epsom salts should be dissolved in about a glass of tap water before use and then applied to the affected nail. After about two weeks it is clearly visible that healthy nail substance is growing back on the infected fingers. Commercially available toothpaste is the cheapest and easiest method of treating fungal nails.

Toothpaste should be available in every household. The use of this household remedy is just as simple as that of the preparations already presented. Simply spread on the nail fungus, the fluoride contained in the cream unfolds its effect.

Fluoride has a strong antimycotic effect. The reproduction of the causative pathogens is quickly stopped and even already existing fungi can be killed.First effects are visible very quickly, already after only a few days.