Homeopathic remedies for gastrointestinal diseases

Acute: Result of eating too much and too heavy food, alcohol consumption

Acute inflammation of the stomach lining with morning nausea and vomiting. Alternation between loss of appetite and ravenous hunger. Stomach pain about half an hour after eating, acidic belching, increased flatulence combined with abdominal cramps, futile urge to defecate, often hemorrhoids.

Irritable and very sensitive patients who have a stomach ache. Sitting activity, overworked city dwellers who spend the evening after work eating, drinking and smoking a lot. Awakes early in the morning after a restless sleep, only falls asleep again after hours and is then tired, irritable in the morning, in addition to headaches and nausea.

In general one is frosty, freezing at the slightest draught. The symptoms improve with rest, get worse with lots of food and drink and are worst in the morning. Morose mood, the patient eats well and a lot, but suffers afterwards from a feeling of fullness, acid burping and vomiting.

Phases of loss of appetite with aversion to all food. Thick, white coated tongue. Diarrhea with undigested food.

Tendency to painful cracks at the corners of the mouth. Especially if acidic and bitter burping occurs. Nausea, but cannot vomit. The remedy has proved to be particularly effective for direct or preventive use to avoid food intolerances, especially when travelling to faraway countries.

Acute: consequence of food poisoning

Can lead to life-threatening conditions, therefore no self-treatment, always consult a doctor. General weakness, frailty, paleness up to bluish complexion, severe nausea, vomiting, cold sweat on the forehead. Great restlessness and anxiety up to the fear of death.

Patients do not want to be alone. Burning stomach pain, much thirst. Diarrhea that weakens the patient greatly. Typical for Arsenicum album are the strong restlessness and fear, the burning character of all pain and strong thirst. All complaints worsen at night and at rest and are improved by warmth (warm body wrap).

Homeopathics for stomach and duodenal ulcers

Patients with an aged appearance, emaciated, nervous, hurried, basically anxious, fear of coming events. Eat hastily and have a great appetite for sweet food. However then burping, heartburn, stomach pain and diarrhea.

Stinging stomach pain, splintery. All excitement is accompanied by stomach pain and/or diarrhea. Inflammations of the mucous membrane develop, up to the formation of ulcers in the stomach and duodenum.

Radiating pain, better by compressing. Typical for Argentum nitricum is the craving for sweet food, which is not tolerated. “Splinter pain” with all mucous membrane inflammations.

Improvement of symptoms in the open air in fresh air. Weakness and reduced nutritional status. Pessimistic, tired, pale.

Self-contained patients, outwardly calm, crying in the silence. Mental injuries have a long lasting effect, one does not want to be comforted, then becomes angry and rejecting. Many physical complaints have their causes in mental conflicts and sufferings such as grief, worries, insults.

Feeling of weakness in the stomach with nervous exhaustion. Remarkably bad breath. Ravenous appetite followed by a rapid feeling of fullness, acidic belching.

Abdominal pain with nausea often for a long time after eating, vomiting, anxiety, trembling. The pain is felt as sharp and oppressive. Constricting clothing in the stomach area is not tolerated. There is often a persistent constipation. All symptoms get worse in the morning hours, the patient has a lot of thirst and craving for salted food.