Homeopathics for diarrhea

Depending on the clinical picture, the body loses considerable amounts of fluid through vomiting and diarrhoea, which can lead to life-threatening circulatory problems. For this reason, self-treatment is generally not advisable in cases of severe and prolonged diarrhoea, especially if vomiting is also present.

Diarrhea as a result of spoiled food

Characteristic is the great restlessness and fear of the patients, up to the fear of death. General weakness and exhaustion, one does not want to be alone. Cold sweat, pale to bluish skin color.

Frequent diarrhea, foul-smelling, burning and sore. Abdominal pain is perceived as burning. Great thirst, but drinking can cause violent vomiting.

All complaints improve with heat, get worse at rest and during the night. The patient complains of watery, dysentery like diarrhea with blood admixtures, abdominal cramps. The diarrhea is caustic and sharp, sore.

Metallic taste in mouth, bad breath, considerable salivation. The tongue often thickly swollen with dented teeth, greyish coating. Sweat that smells bad and turns yellow.

The symptoms are aggravated in the cold air and in the warmth of the bed. Rice water-like diarrhea like dysentery, nausea, vomiting. Typical is the cold sweat, beads of sweat on the face and forehead, pale to bluish skin color.

Great exhaustion and weakness with a tendency to circulatory collapse. Nausea, vomiting often accompanied by hiccups. Cold feeling all over the body, cold tip of the nose.

Abdominal cramps, at first restlessness and excitement later listlessness. The symptoms improve with heat and lying down. Diarrhea causes great weakness with a tendency to collapse, cold sweat, pale to bluish skin.

Often enormous flatulence, stomach pressure and belching. Bad breath. Typical for Carbo vegetabilis is the general aversion (not only during the illness) to milk, fatty foods and alcohol.

All symptoms improve in the fresh air, worsen in the evening and at night. In case of slight digestive disorders and diarrhea after spoiled or even unfamiliar food, for example when travelling. Okoubaka can be used preventively before travelling abroad.

  • Arsenicum album
  • Mercurius solubilis
  • Veratrum album
  • Carbo vegetabilis
  • Okoubaka