Homeopathics for headaches | Homeopathy for a HWS syndrome

Homeopathics for headaches

Palpable muscular tension in the neck. Pain when moving the head. Sensation as if the neck is stiff.

Pain may radiate to the back muscles or to the arm. Shooting, stabbing headaches, radiating from the back of the head, through the crown of the head to the forehead. Very different pain sensations: shooting, hammering, stabbing, as if the skull wanted to burst, as if a wedge was driven in from behind or the top of the skull flew away.

Headaches are felt like a black cloud that presses and clouds the head. They are also sometimes accompanied by a deep depressive mood. Cimicifuga is the remedy for headaches in menopausal women with a depressive, hysterical attitude (see: Homeopathy in the menopause).

Menopausal feelings range from “sky-high exultation” to “saddened to death”. The complaints are improved by warmth. Headaches combined with a “stiff neck“, the neck feels lame and hurts.

The character of the pain is often described as burning. The pain is aggravated or triggered by cold and wet weather and after soaking. The headache causes a feeling as if the head is enlarged, numbing pain rising from the neck.

All symptoms are caused and made worse by wet and cold weather. Heat improves. Neck and neck muscles feel as if they are stiff, pain radiates to the back of the head.

The character of the pain is often described as if everything would contract, cramp-like. The headache is felt as unbearable when bending down, improvement by lying down. Typical for Helleborus is the general circulatory weakness of the patients.

The neck pain feels like dislocated and stiff. Headaches as if the head is enlarged. The scalp is very sensitive to touch.

Patients also complain of visual disturbances, such as foggy. Also headaches as a result of whiplash. Neck pain radiates over the whole head.

Feeling of heaviness, as if one had to carry a heavy load on the head. Pain worse when bending down and by exertion. The patient has cold arms and legs, cold feeling is not improved by heat application.The pain improves heat and firm counterpressure.