Homeopathics for heartburn | Homeopathic remedies for gastrointestinal diseases

Homeopathics for heartburn

Here also the remedies Arsenicum album, Antimonium crudum and Natrium chloratum are possible. These are already described in detail above. The patients feel weak and complain of an inner tremor and great tiredness.

Sensitive to touch. Feeling of cold and weakness in the stomach with acidic belching after eating, bad breath (acidic), inflammation of the oral mucosa. Feeling as if the stomach is flaccid.

Constipation with secretion of mucus. Generally, patients are impatient, never have time. Improvement of symptoms due to heat, worsening in wet-cold weather.

Depressive patients, who often suffer from migraine when they come to rest (Sunday migraine).Thereby violent burning in the esophagus combined with a lot of salivation, vomiting of strongly acid stomach contents. The acid makes the teeth dull. Cramp-like pain in the upper abdomen.

Stomach pressure with acidic belching, combined with flatulence, which causes abdominal cramps. Often associated with headaches. Fat is poorly tolerated, followed by burning pain in the stomach with radiance to the shoulder blades, acidic vomiting that makes the teeth dull.

Sometimes the patient generally has an acidic body odor. The complaints are aggravated at night, improved by eating. Besides heartburn, patients suffer from diarrhea with acidic stools.

Acid reflux is caused by certain foods, individually different. Patients are weak and often suffer additionally from rheumatism and/or gout. Yellowish coatings on the tongue and palate. All secretions smell sour, sweat colors yellow.