Homeopathy for a HWS syndrome


In the cervical spine syndrome, one observes different complaints that originate from the cervical spine. Depending on whether one suffers from muscle pain, headaches, sensitivity disorders, tingling and numbness or dizziness, different homeopathic remedies are used.

Homeopathics for muscle pain

The patient complains of radiating pain in muscle attachments and muscles of the shoulder region, as well as neck stiffness, which can lead to severe back pain (see: Homeopathy for back pain). The complaints become more severe when soaked and exposed to cold. The sensation of pain is described as if the muscles were too short, pulled.

Patients are restless and try to keep moving despite the pain, because movement improves the pain. Rhus toxicodendron is a characteristic homeopathic treatment for the above-mentioned complaints. The symptoms are aggravated by rest, wetness and cold, and are located on the sick side.

Start-up pain, which improves with continued movement. Prescription only up to and including D3! Severe and sudden onset of muscle pain after exposure to cold as a result of cooling, preferably by a strong, cold east wind.

According to the patient’s report, the pain is unbearable, tearing, less often stabbing, and numbness and/or tingling are also described. The patient does not want to be touched at the painful spot. Typical for Aconitum napellus are the very anxious mood and the great restlessness that the patients suffer from.

The symptoms worsen in the evening, at night and in the warmth of the room or in the warmth of the bed. Muscle pain described as a lame, bruised feeling, shattered pain. The affected areas are very sensitive to touch, the complaints are aggravated by any movement and vibration.

Restless sleep, because all pads are felt to be too hard and it is very difficult to find a resting position that does not cause pain. Muscle aches of a stabbing character. Irritable, angry patients with bad mood. Sensitive to touch, although the pain improves with firm counter-pressure, even at rest the pain becomes less. Aggravation of all complaints by movement and heat.