Homeopathy for acne with hard and/or dark-colored pustules and nodules

Forms of appearance of acne

In homeopathy, acne can be divided into four manifestations:

  • Acne with oily skin
  • Acne with dry skin
  • Acne with hard and/or dark colored pustules and lumps
  • Acne with worsening around the time of menstruation

Homeopathic medicines for acne hard and/or dark-colored pustules and nodules

For acne acne hard and/or dark colored pustules and nodules fit the following homeopathic medicines:

  • Potassium bromatum (potassium bromide)
  • Silicea (silicic acid)

Potassium bromatum (potassium bromide)

In case of angina, potassium bromatum (potassium bromide) can be used in the following dosage Tablets D6 For further information on potassium bromatum (potassium bromide), please see our topic: Potassium bromatum

  • Brownish discolored, hard and itchy lumps in the face but also on the back and chest
  • Before and during menstruation, the skin condition deteriorates.

Silicea (silicic acid)

In the case of angina, the following dosage can be used for silica (silicic acid) Tablets D12

  • The acne nodules develop slowly, become purulent and heal very slowly
  • Cold, foul-smelling sweat on the hairy head and feet
  • Frosty patients