Homeopathy for ADS | ADS – The Attention Deficit Disorder – Syndrome

Homeopathy for ADS

Another therapeutic approach is homeopathic remedies, which are being used more and more often for the treatment of ADS. In many cases, with better tolerance, similar successes can be achieved as with conventional medication, but the effect is different for each patient and less researched than with methylphenidate. According to the principle of homeopathy, a substance is administered in low concentrations based on the severity of the symptoms.

For typical ADS “dreamers”, substances such as sulphur or agaricus would be possible treatment options. On the following pages you will learn more about the accompanying problems that can occur. In school these are reading, spelling and arithmetic difficulties. Since ADHD children also have problems directing their attention, you can learn more about the problems and symptoms on the Concentration Problems page. – Dyslexia / dyslexia

  • Dyscalculia
  • Lack of concentration
  • High Giftedness

ADS in adults

Attention deficit syndrome without hyperactivity is more likely to persist into adulthood than the other types of ADHD. This means that the first symptoms appear in childhood and, although they change, they do not “grow together”, but can affect the affected person throughout his or her school years and into everyday working life. So while the hyperactive form of ADHD usually remains a children’s disease, ADHD is often a disorder that transcends age.

The reasons for this have not yet been clearly clarified. Since this form is much less conspicuous than the typical impulsive, hyperactive ADHD, it is not diagnosed in many affected persons in childhood and is therefore not adequately treated. Patients with hyperactive ADHD can also have problems into adulthood if they did not learn to deal with their symptoms as a child.

The lack of recognition of the disease or the wrong way of dealing with it can therefore be one of the reasons why an above-average number of people affected by this subtype suffer from the disorder for decades. With the duration of the disease, however, the severity of ADS symptoms in adults also changes. While children appear mainly dreamy and absent-minded, the attention and concentration difficulties in adults are less noticeable.

They are often forgetful, quickly distracted and overwhelmed, but usually develop compensatory strategies that hide their symptoms. They often avoid situations that cause them difficulties, e.g. at work or in their social environment. They usually find it difficult at work and in everyday life if they have not received appropriate therapy.

In adults, for example, the psychological and social problems that result from frequent failures and a lack of self-esteem are more likely to be at the forefront of the patient’s suffering. They usually do not perceive the symptoms as illness or disorder, but as their own weaknesses and mistakes. In addition to performance problems, ADS patients therefore also suffer from depression with above-average frequency. An appropriate therapy with psychological training and, if necessary, medication can reduce the pressure of suffering and prevent the occurrence of these accompanying disorders. The recognition and treatment of the disorder is therefore essential to ensure the patient’s well-being.