Homeopathy for arthrosis in the finger joints

If severe pain in the finger joints occurs under stress, this may be arthrosis. This is usually accompanied by nodular changes in the joints. The underlying cause is an inflammatory change in the joints, which is usually caused by excessive strain. This occurs with age as well as through permanent stress, such as in a skilled trade. Especially in the early stages of arthrosis, it can still be effectively treated with homeopathic drugs.

These homeopathics are used

The following homeopathics can help with arthrosis in the finger joints:

  • Acidum formicum
  • Aranin
  • Aristolochia
  • Calcium sulfuricum
  • Cimicifuga racemosa
  • Formica rufa
  • Potassium sulfuricum

When will it be used? Acidum formicium is a versatile homeopathic remedy. It is often used for lung diseases such as asthma or COPD, but also for arthrosis or joint pain.

Effect: The effect of the homeopathic remedy is based on the inhibition of inflammatory processes in the finger joints. Acidum formicium is particularly effective in chronic inflammation. Dosage: Depending on the pain, Acidum formicium can be dosed with potencies D6 or D12.

Of these three globules should be taken two to three times daily. When is it used? The homeopathic drug Aranin is used for various neurological disorders, such as headaches or nerve pain.

It can also be helpful for osteoarthritis and back pain. Effect: Aranine has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the body. As a result, the blood circulation in the area of the fingers is better, which reduces pain.

Dosage: The dosage of Aranin is recommended with the potencies D8 and D12. Three globules of this can be taken two or three times a day. When is it used?

Aristolochia is used in homeopathy mainly for various complaints related to menstruation. Joint pain and arthrosis can also be treated with it. Effect: The effect of Aristolochia is based on the stimulation of various metabolic processes that play a role in the healing of arthrosis.

Dosage: Aristolochia can be taken in the form of three globules three times a day with the potencies D6 and D12. More information about the field of application:

  • Homeopathy for menstrual cramps

When will it be used? Acidum sulfuricum is used for various inflammatory diseases of joints, such as arthritis and arthrosis.

It can also be helpful against fatigue and weakness. Effect: The homeopathic remedy Acidum sulfuricum, as an attenuated form of sulfuric acid, is used to fight inflammation associated with a low pH value. Dosage: Three globules are recommended as a dosage when taken on its own, which can be taken two or three times a day.

These should be used in potencies D6 or D12. Further areas of application:

  • Homeopathy for arthritis
  • Homeopathy for fatigue

When will it be used? Calcium sulfuricum is mainly used for rheumatic diseases, as well as gout and other types of inflammation.

Effect: The homeopathic remedy has a healing effect on various injuries of the connective tissue. It removes harmful substances and strengthens the mineralization of the joints. Dosage: Calcium sulfuricum is mostly recommended for independent intake with potency D6.

When is it used? Cimicifuga racemosa is often used for menopausal symptoms, such as increased sweating. It can also be used in cases of severe pain caused by menstruation, but also in osteoarthritis.

Effect: The homeopathic remedy reduces pain in the finger joint area and also has a decongestant effect. Dosage: The dosage of Cimicifuga racemosa depends on the type of application. The most commonly used drops are drops.

When is it used? Formica rufa can be used for breathing difficulties, such as asthma, or allergic diseases. It is also frequently used for arthrosis and rheumatism.

Effect: Formica rufa inhibits persistent inflammations. This relieves the pain in the joints and reduces the accompanying swelling. Dosage: The homeopathic is recommended with the potencies D6 and D12 for your own use.

Of these, three globules can be taken up to three times a day. When is it used? Harpagophytum is a homeopathic remedy that is typically used for joint diseases.

These include arthrosis, gout and various forms of rheumatism.Effect: The homeopathic remedy has a targeted effect on joints and the inflammatory processes that take place there. It also has a gentle and activating effect on the joint cartilage. Dosage: The recommended dosage is two globules twice daily with potency D6.

When is it used? Potassium sulfuricum is a versatile homeopathic remedy. It is often used for skin diseases, but also for arthrosis and sore muscles.

Effect: The homeopathic remedy potassium sulfuricum is involved in many rebuilding processes in the body. These include inflammation in the area of joints. Dosage: Potassium sulfuricum is usually recommended with potency D6. When taken as Schuessler salt, one tablet per day is sufficient.