Homeopathy for circulatory collapse

These very common symptoms require a careful diagnosis because they can always be associated with high-risk acute situations. Like homeopathic remedies, they can be used as a low-risk therapy to stimulate the self-healing process. Thus, the limits of this therapeutic method are inevitably reached where the organism’s regulatory capacity is no longer given. For example, homeopathic remedies will not be used in cases of acute heart attack or inflammation of the heart muscle or pericardium.

  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Heart attackor
  • Inflammations of the heart

As a first measure in case of a circulatory collapse, the affected person should be positioned accordingly (lie down, legs up).

Homeopathic medicines

The following homeopathic remedies can be considered for difficult sputum:

  • Veratrum album (White hellebore)
  • Tabacum (tobacco)
  • Champhora (Camphor)
  • Carbo vegetabile (charcoal)

Veratrum album (White hellebore)

Prescription only up to and including D3! Add 2 to 3 drops of D4 to the mouth every minute. General dosage of Veratrum album (White hellebore) for circulatory collapse: drops D6 For more information on Veratrum album (White hellebore), please see our topic: Veratrum album

  • Palpitations
  • Welding
  • Sweat beads on the forehead and face
  • Pallor
  • Visual disorders
  • Swindle

Tabacum (tobacco)

General dosage of Tabacum (tobacco) for circulatory collapse: drops D6 For further information about Tabacum (tobacco) please refer to our topic: Tabacum (tobacco)

  • Circulatory problems with dizziness and nausea
  • Cold feeling
  • Cold welding
  • Often after nicotine consumption (also passive smoking).

Camphora (Camphor)

Drop D3, 1-2 drops directly on the tongue, repeat if necessary. General dosage of Camphora (camphor) for circulatory collapse: Drops D6 For further information about Camphora (camphor) please refer to our topic: Camphora

  • Cold welding
  • Pallor and
  • Blue coloration of the lips
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fast, hardly noticeable pulse
  • Fear