Homeopathy for cystitis and inflammation of the renal pelvis

Depending on the symptoms, an antibiotic may be necessary for acute urinary tract infections (cystitis). Homeopathics are suitable for accompanying treatment, but also for prevention. The treatment must always be preceded by a detailed questioning of the patient.

One needs information about possible flow obstructions, malformations, injuries in the area of the draining urinary tract and possibly existing metabolic disorders. In addition, information is needed on the onset, course of the disease, type and location of pain, the nature of the urine, and the frequency of urgency. It is also important to know which circumstances aggravate and which improve the symptoms. Basically, a distinction is made in the treatment:

  • A cystitis (also called cystitis) as a result of wetness and cold
  • A cystitis as a result of injuries, for example after the insertion of a bladder catheter or the removal of a stone
  • A cystitis where severe burning pain is the main symptom
  • A cystitis with severe cramping pain

The following are possible homeopathic medicines:

  • Dulcamara (Bittersweet)
  • Pulsatilla (meadow pasque flower)

Typical dosage of Dulcamara for cystitis: drops of D6D12

  • Dulcamara is considered in homeopathy as the classic remedy for diseases caused by hypothermia and soaking
  • Painful, frequent urination, often combined with knocking pain in the kidney area
  • This is preceded by cold and wet weather or a rapid change in weather from warm to cold
  • Great need for warmth with significant improvement after heat exposure.

Prescription only up to and including D3! Typical dosage of Pulsatilla for cystitis: drops of D6D12

  • Similar working principle as Dulcamara
  • Consequence of cold feet and soaking
  • Cramp-like pain before and after urination, radiating to the perineum and thighs
  • Often recurring complaints in women
  • Little thirst, whiny and moody
  • Desire for encouragement and comfort
  • Freezing easily but everything better in the fresh air