Homeopathy for gout

Homeopathic medicines

The following homeopathics help with gout:

  • Colchicum
  • Causticum
  • Ledum


Colchicum is used to treat gout, especially in drops of D6. Prescription only up to and including D3!

  • Acute pain in the joints
  • General weakness with internal cold and strong sensitivity to touch of the diseased region with tearing pain
  • Worse in the evening and at night
  • Aggravation due to cold and movement
  • Improvement through warmth and rest
  • Gout patients with complaints in the gastrointestinal tract and inflammations in the area of the heart muscle
  • Characteristic: kitchen smells cause strong nausea and even nausea
  • Great weakness with a tendency to circulatory collapse


Typical dosage of Causticum for gout: Tablets D12 Further information about Causticum can be found under our topic: Causticum

  • Attack-like pain
  • Feeling as if the tendons are too short
  • In cold, dry weather the pain increases and becomes better when it rains
  • Strong desire for sympathy
  • Very compassionate
  • Can’t hear or see anything cruel


General dosage of Ledum for gout: drops D3

  • Frosty patients who experience increased pain in the heat
  • Feel better through cold applications
  • Pain starts at the feet, rises from the bottom to the top and occurs more often crosswise: right hip, left shoulder.