Homeopathy for heartburn

Heartburn is caused by increased acid production.

Homeopathic medicines

The following are possible homeopathic medicines:

  • Iris versicolor (iris)
  • Robinia pseudacacia (Acacia)
  • Sodium phosphoricum

Iris versicolor (iris)

Typical dosage of iris versicolor (iris) for heartburn: Tablets D6 Further information about iris versicolor (iris) can be found under our topic: Iris versicolor

  • Heartburn with heavy salivation
  • Acidic vomiting with thick, stringy mucus. Due to its acidity, the mucus irritates the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue, but not the teeth
  • Often associated with constipation and irritation of the pancreas with pressure pain left above the navel.

Robinia pseudacacia (Acacia)

General dosage of Robinia pseudacacia (acacia) for heartburn: Drops D4 and D6 For further information about Robinia pseudacacia (acacia) please refer to our topic: Robinia pseudacacia

  • Heartburn with belching of acid gastric liquid, makes the teeth dull (unlike iris)
  • Stinging pain in the stomach with radiation between the shoulder blades. Fat is not tolerated
  • Complaints are often accompanied by forehead and temple headaches.
  • Worsening at night.

Sodium phosphoricum

General dosage of sodium phosphoricum for heartburn: D6 tablets

  • Heartburn with acidic belching, acidic vomiting and acidic stools. Milk, butter, fat, cold drinks and food, sour food (fruit, vinegar) and sweets trigger these conditions
  • Especially suitable for exhausted, muscle-weak people with a tendency to gout and rheumatic complaints
  • Golden yellow, creamy coating on the base of the tongue and palate
  • Even in the case of colds, the secretions are golden yellow and acidic and give a clear indication of sodium phosphoricum.