Homeopathy for menopausal complaints

Medical: ClimactericThe menopause begins in women between the ages of 40 and 50. The symptoms can be treated with the following homeopathic medicines: or hormone replacement therapy during the menopause

  • Cimicifuga (bugweed)
  • Lilium tigrinum (tiger lily)
  • Lachesis (snake venom)
  • Sepia (cuttlefish)
  • Sulphur (purified sulphur)
  • Ignatia (Ignatius bean)
  • Sanguinaria (Canadian bloodroot)
  • Acidum sulfuricum (sulfuric acid)
  • Calcium phosphoricum
  • Belladonna (Belladonna)

Cimicifuga (bugweed)

Cimicifuga (bugweed) is used for menopausal complaints, especially in drops of D6.

  • Onset of joint discomfort, pulling, cramp-like pain and sensations of absence (formication, tingling)
  • Pronounced pressure sensitivity especially in the cervical spine area
  • Migraine-like headaches, as if the skull wants to burst or a wedge is driven in from behind
  • Often associated with nervous heart problems such as heartache, tachycardia, restlessness and pressure in the heart area
  • Digestive problems, which can manifest themselves with changing stools, increased flatulence and pain in the right upper abdomen
  • The women suffer from inner restlessness and depressive anxiety

Lilium tigrinum (tiger lily)

Typical dosage of Lilium tigrinum (tiger lily) for menopausal symptoms: Drops D6 For further information about Lilium tigrinum (tiger lily) please refer to our topic: Lilium tigrinum

  • Heart restlessness and anxiety
  • Pain in the pelvic region and complaints of prolapse when the uterus begins to prolapse
  • One tries to support by counter pressure (cross legs)
  • Frequent infestation with vagina fungus, which smells unpleasant

Lachesis (snake venom)

Prescription only up to and including D3! General dosage of Lachesis (snake venom) for menopausal symptoms: tablets D6

  • Exhausted, depressed women
  • Lack of concentration, poor memory
  • Left-sided migraine
  • Hot flashes on the face
  • Hot sweats at night,
  • Insomnia
  • Dizziness and tendency to faint
  • Characteristic is the general sensitivity to touch, the pressure of the clothing especially on the neck and in the belt region is difficult to bear
  • In the morning after waking up all complaints are worse, improvement through exercise

Lycopodium is suitable for women with lack of concentration, who are especially under stress: All complaints worsen at rest and at elevated temperature. Regular exercise and fresh air promote recovery.

  • Emaciated upper body with general weakness and mental fatigue
  • Great appetite, but still the feeling of fullness after a few bites
  • Acidic belching and vomiting, flatulence
  • A desire for sweet food and a corresponding tendency to gain weight
  • Headaches, right-sided migraine, ringing in the ears, sweating in the facial area
  • Vaginal dryness, lack of sexual desire, irregular menstrual bleeding, back pain that improves with exercise
  • Hot flushes accompanied by an anxious feeling in the pit of the stomach
  • Aggravation in warm rooms with many people, tendency to circulation problems