Homeopathy for osteoarthritis of the knee

Knee arthrosis is a disease of the cartilage. The symptoms of knee arthrosis are caused by the worn out joint cartilage, which is why it is also called a degenerative disease. It occurs mainly in older people.

Risk factors also include a heavy burden of overweight, as well as malpositions, injuries to the joint or other diseases. At the beginning, the pain occurs mainly under heavy load and when movement begins. Later, pain at rest also occurs, which can be very stressful, especially during nightly sleep. Typically, osteoarthritis can be easily identified in an X-ray of the affected joint. In addition to homeopathic remedies, therapy should also include physiotherapy and a reduction in body weight.

These homeopathics are used

The following homeopathics can be used in case of knee arthrosis:

  • Acidum formicum
  • Formica rufa
  • Harpagophythum
  • Xerophyllum
  • Ichtyolum
  • Potassium chloratum

When is it used: Acidum formicicum, which is extracted from formic acid, can be used for knee arthrosis, gout and various rheumatic diseases. Effect: The homeopathic remedy has a soothing effect on irritated joints. It has an inhibiting effect on inflammatory processes and reduces pain in many patients.

Dosage: The dosage of Acidum formicicum for knee arthrosis is recommended with potencies D6 or D12. When to use: Formica rufa is a homeopathic preparation used primarily for osteoarthritis and arthritis. It can also be used for inflammations of the urinary tract.

Effect: The homeopathic preparation has an anti-inflammatory and inhibiting effect on various processes in the body, where inflammatory substances cause an increase in pain. Dosage: For independent use of Formica rufa in knee arthrosis, potencies D6 or D12 are recommended with the intake of three globules several times a day. When to use: The homeopathic remedy Harpagophythum, also known as Devil’s Claw, is used in many ways.

It is used, for example, for digestive complaints, arthrosis, fever or pain during the birth process. Effect: The effect of Harpagophythum is mainly based on the active ingredient harpagoside. It has anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing properties, which can alleviate the symptoms of arthrosis.

Dosage: The dosage of this homeopathic remedy is recommended with potencies D4 to D12, adapted to the symptoms. When to use: Xerophyllum has a very wide range of uses as a homeopathic remedy. It can be used for osteoarthritis, typhus, inflammation of the skin and lack of concentration.

Effect: The homeopathic remedy has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on joint complaints. It is also involved in various metabolic processes in the body. Dosage: The homeopathic preparation with potencies D6 or D12 is recommended for the dosage in case of knee arthrosis.

When to use: Ichtyolum is a homeopathic remedy that can be used for knee arthrosis, rheumatism and arthritis. It is also used for psoriasis and skin inflammation. Effect: The effect of the homeopathic remedy is based on an inhibition of inflammatory processes.

As a result, associated symptoms, such as pain, can be reduced. Dosage: For the independent use of Ichtyolum the potencies D2 to D6 are recommended with a several times daily intake of the globules. When to use: Potassium chloratum is a very versatile homeopathic remedy.

It can be used for joint arthrosis, coughing or skin diseases. Effect: The effect of potassium chloratum is based on the support of many different metabolic processes in the body. The detoxification is promoted as well as the blood circulation. Dosage: Potassium chloratum can be applied locally in the form of an ointment for knee arthrosis.