Homeopathy for prostate enlargement

Important note

The treatment of prostate diseases exclusively with homeopathic medicines is not indicated for carcinomas and bacterial inflammations. In these cases, an accompanying treatment may be recommended.

Homeopathic medicines

The following are possible homeopathic medicines:

  • Sabal serrulatum (Dwarf Palm)
  • Chimaphila umbellata (umbellate wintergreen)
  • Ferrum picrinicum
  • Staphisagria (Stephen’s wort)
  • Thuja occidentalis (Western Tree of Life)
  • Clematis recta (Upright clematis vine)
  • Prareira brava (semolina root)
  • Digitalis purpurea (red foxglove)
  • Populus tremuloides (American aspen)
  • Pulsatilla pratensis (meadow pasque flower)
  • Conium maculatum (Spotted hemlock)

Sabal serrulatum (Dwarf Palm)

Sabal serrulatum is generally considered in herbal medicine to be the main remedy for prostate diseases, especially for incipient prostate enlargement. Typical dosage of Sabal serrulatum (dwarf palm) for prostate enlargement: Drops D2With urinary retention, Sabal D1 can be given alternately with Digitalis D2 (prescription only! ), which alleviate symptoms. Most common potentiation: D3 to D6.

  • The patient feels a frequent urge to urinate and has to urinate more frequently at night
  • At the same time the bladder emptying is delayed (you have to wait for it)
  • Urination is often painful, the stream is weakened
  • Cold feeling in the genitals
  • Low back pain after ejaculation
  • Reduced potency
  • Painful stiffening of the limb during the night

Chimaphila umbellata (umbellate wintergreen)

It is used for the following complaints: The product has a slight diuretic effect. Common potentiation: D2.

  • Cloudy, foul-smelling urine
  • Patients report the feeling of sitting on something round and feel a swelling or enlargement in the perineal area. Urination is sometimes easier with legs spread and bent forward

Ferrum picrinicum

The enlargement of the prostate is often accompanied by inflammation of the bladder. The Stephen’s wort is used for: Most common potentiation: D4 to D6.

  • Irritated, moody patients
  • Shy of people and easily offended
  • In addition, weak memory and pathological sexual ideas
  • Already miserable and tired in the morning
  • Male climacteric or “midlife crisis
  • Urine is only emptied in small portions
  • Feeling as if the bladder is never empty
  • After sexual intercourse exhausted and weak
  • Dull pain in the testicles
  • Aggravation of symptoms due to anger, grief, sexual excesses and early rising