Homeopathy for sore throat and tonsillitis

A sore throat is often the first sign of a beginning cold. An inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils also leads to sore throat, but also inflammation of the oral mucosa such as aphtae (small, roundish ulcers). Sore throat and tonsillitis can be treated with the following homeopathic medicines:

  • Belladonna
  • Phytolacca
  • Apis mellificia
  • Mercurius solubilis

Prescription only up to and including D3! Belladonna is used for sore throats and tonsillitis, especially in tablets D12.

  • First phase of inflammation, first symptoms appear
  • The mucosa in the throat and pharyngeal tonsils is swollen light red
  • Dry mouth, shiny red tongue
  • Face bright red
  • Skin hot and sweaty
  • Pain and swelling in the throat
  • Can hardly swallow and speak
  • Requires cold drink in small sips, although cold liquid causes more pain
  • Pain worse from cold drink, cold compress, swallowing and speaking
  • General well-being is worse at night and in cold weather
  • Patient sweats heavily under the blanket, but wants to stay covered.


Typical dosage of Phytolacca for sore throat and tonsillitis: Tablets D3 For further information about Phytolacca please visit our topic: Phytolacca

  • Mucosa of the neck and pharyngeal tonsils is dark red with stabbing pain radiating to the ear
  • General feeling of exhaustion
  • White spots and coatings develop on the almonds
  • Right side often more severely affected
  • Bad Bad Breath
  • Aggravation of pain with warm drinks
  • Mouth dry, root of the tongue greasy coated
  • Phytolacca is suitable for lateral gangina when the pain is sharp and radiates to the ear
  • Fever without significant sweating
  • Skin on the body rather cold
  • The heat is located in the area of the head
  • Despite great weakness, the patient feels the need to move, but this does not bring any improvement.